[Tutorial] How to use Cloud Compare to clean up your messy point cloud/scan data

Again thank you!

I realize that it would be a very tedious task to kind of “hand fuse” the individual frames… but I was hoping that could be an option for things where the regular fusing process was having a hard time. Just trying to think out of the box a bit to get the best scans/point clouds I can :slight_smile:


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This is exactly what I need :blush:

I’ve scanned these this with scanning spray and my pop3. I’ve tried the isolation clean up but i’m left with points that still need cleaning up.

Even with rescanning with low gain I’m getting noise.

I’m looking to using this workflow this week.

Hi Gary , yes please try but be careful after noise removal , if it create too many empty areas lower the settings .

Another thing you can do please try one more time and use Advanced mode on the lowest settings for fusing , then after check if noise are still available , then after cleaning mesh it and check again for iteration, in most cases the lose points will get catched in RSV5.3
Big objects loved the advanced mode , the accuracy seems to be also better with more details overall .
If you did not tried already please do ! Before CC

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I can get a much smoother body now.

But I think i’m experiencing the issue you mentioned with the denoise, i’m getting bulges and unwanted hole filling

This is with the mesh created in Cloud Compare. I might try to just tidy the point cloud, and send it back to RevoScan for the mesh.

Progress to follow

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Very good results Gary

Yes you should not mesh it in CC , hard edge models or auto parts should be not meshed in CC unless you have perfect solid point cloud scan or it will cover up any openings .


Hi Cathy,
do you recommend cleaning with CC also with the new revoscan 5.3.1 or is this not necessery any more due to better isolation and overlap detection in revoscan?

Hi Daniel , only if you have issues that you can’t fix in 5.3.1
For some reason for me V5.3.0 still do better processing while fusing than 5.3.1 …especially Advanced mode and is much faster when fusing very big objects .

But if you don’t experience issues don’t need to switch …
you can always try out Cloud Compare to see if you can clean some projects better , but I recommend you meshing it back in Revo Scan
I created the tutorial when we had the old 4.2 software without any tools … still usable in some difficult cases .