Suggestions for next Revoscan update


I’m new to the forum, but I have some time with my POP3, and now Revoscan 5 from the beginning. In general I have to say that there has been some nice improvements over the time, but there are still some quality of life improvements I highly suggest.

I’m missing:


There are some points that get quite annoying when processing several scans that would be easy to optimise:

  • Add batch processing (as possible for Fusion, thanks for that!) for all the other point- and mesh optimising filters as an option, I’m preparing a file with 9 scans for merging and it gets time consuming and I start to feel a bit brainwashed by now repeating the same tasks over and over. I’d rather have the time to make a coffe in the meantime and let the computer do the clicking…

-reactivate the last used function, after overlapping one file it is likely to use overlapping again for the next scan. like this I have still the option to change the values, but less hazzle with clicking around.

-for other workflows where users process one scan completely before going to the next one: in the “finished” popup just add a “next step” button.

-at least add hotkeys for the top bar functions, that would be really easy to implement.


-add a function to “remove blurred areas” in the top bar that cuts off the areas where the vertical distance between the poins start growing around the borders (preferrably for the point cloud, maybe also for the meshes. that would make life so much easier and the results of the merging much better. Also it would speed up the simplifying and meshing and produce cleaner models with less triangles.

Maybe an Idea:

-Create a reward program for suggestions that are later implemented in the software, it would cost a few bucks, but you would motivate so many more people to actively participate in the developpement in the software and could improve it so much!

I will update the thread if I come up with new ideas!

Have a lovely day!


Me again, didn’t take so long to come up with another idea:

  • if I want to simplify a model, just to leave the last set value, not always revert to 40%

-and/or if I click on the up/down arrows next to the value jump by 10 instead of one, if you want to reduce by exactly 48% you could still type the number or fiddle with the slider.

-But I would even make the slider jump by increments of 10, it would also be possible to add buttons with presets like 25%, 50%, 75%… just no 100% button :rofl:
-Add a function to export “all pointclouds” and “all meshes” so it is not neccesary to click each individual file. (as it is possible after batch processing, thank you very much for this option)
cheers, Flo

Oh my… after I could make my coffee while the computer was peacefully meshing on its own, cam back and could click just on "Save all meshes, pick the folder and I felt so :grinning:

And there it came, the super idea :boom:

  • The reward program doesn’t need to be with cash!

  • I’d take a MetroX :pray: :speak_no_evil:

Thank you so much for reading all my stuff and considering my suggestions, especially the last :speak_no_evil:


Thank you for your suggestion @Fuxx166 , it will be forwarded to the team

I did some research, in other software the feature is called “erode” and applied to the meshes by removing one strip of polygons per iteration. Would be like selecting the border and deleting in Meshmixer. Just here it would be useful to apply it on the pointclouds…