Duplicate model feature request both Revoscans

It has been asked exactly one year ago.
Can we please get an option under RMB menu to duplicate the selected model/scan.
It’s a very simple task, and for the last 12 months we have been forced to manually duplicate the folders in the Revoscan project directory and manually add text entries in the project file.

You said it has been added to wishlist - 12 months ago!
It’s literally 10 minutes coding job and maybe an hour of testing afterwards - after it works once there really isn’t anything that can go wrong.

Don’t invent the wheel again, don’t create phantom entries with separate instruction sets per entry, don’t create branching in history or whatever. Just straight up duplicate all of the data into a separate folder.
We are fine with the scan data being in two copies now and taking twice as much space.

I’m sorry, but I tend to do it a lot, especially before manually editing frames which is destructive and manually duplicating the data structure is just a hustle.
I already wrote my own script to do it outside of Revoscan but I still have to manually select the correct data folder corresponding to the current model.
Just please add that function - you’ve already got everything there - it’s like 10 lines of code :confused:


I totally agree with you, I have been waiting for a year since the topic came up and I miss it often too!

Thanks again for the suggestion, I’ll inquire about the progress of this feature.