Suggestion - Revopoint WiFi USB Adapter for PC

No, I don’t use or want to use a WiFi card or adapter. My PC is connected via LAN.

Well yes, but I also don’t want to waive my wired internet connection to achieve this and this will happen when I connect a WiFi adapter to my PC.

Maybe I have to clarify something as it seems that everyone is misunderstanding what my suggestion was supposed to:
I don’t asked Revopoint to build a standard WiFi adapter with which I can get wireless access to a router. It’s more an USB dongle which is restricted to connect only to Revopoint hardware and nothing else. With this dongle the user doesn’t have to set up anything. Just plug in the dongle to the computer, then a driver should be downloaded and installed automatically and voila… you can use the scanner wirelessly on the device.

However, another thing I would like to know from you regarding your tipp to set the scanner as client and then connect it to the router: Does my PC needs to be connected via WiFi to the router to be able detect the scanner or does this also work if my PC has a wired connection to the router?