I’m running Windows 11, with a 32 Core AMD Threadripper, a 3090 and 64GB of RAM.
And I keep having situations where the software just locks up and crashes.
And I’ve had to do an Auto Turntable Scan 3 or 4 times before I got one to work, using feature scan. Marker scan doesn’t seem to work with Auto Turntable. I was having the bed tilt ± 5, 10 and 20 degrees. Yet, only getting 3.2FPS when in Auto Turntable feature mode . Is this normal?
Literally nothing changing with the position of the MetroX, turntable, lighting.
Also, if you start the turntable flat, I’ve got all green in the excellent. but it if tilts towards the Metrox, it goes too near, and away goes to good. Seems pretty darn sensitive when doing the tilt.
others have been reporting some auto turntable issues as well. I had my turn table connected during a cross-lines scan and it automatically started spinning. I just held the scanner at what ever distance gave it the best readings ( which did vary a bit like you mentioned it did for you).
While scanning my car today i noticed it would definitely let me know when i was too close or too far, sometimes i was too close and too far at the same time because of the number of markers in the frame lol. The scans still turned out fine i think, im just learning how to best scan large objects with minimal post scan clean up now.
Just to follow up, the software seems to be working “OK” /s with the Auto-Turntable. But patience is required.
It seems like the software isn’t properly buffering mouse clicks or keystrokes.
You will get the changing modes message, and when it looks like it’s done, if I click of hit a key, nothing happens, and if you click again or hit another keystroke, you get a warning message.
The software just seems to take forever to complete a task (like changing modes). And getting 2.8 to 3.2 FPS over USB 3, particularly with my PC configuration seems absurdly slow.
Regarding low fps on auto-turntable: in that mode the turntable rotates and takes 3 scans (stripe pattern) , then rotates and takes another series of 3 rapid scans . It’s not doing a continuous scan and thus you won’t see high fps.
That’s a question only Revo guys can answer for sure. But yes, even I don’t prioritize it as much as some other performance things, I’d like it to switch modes faster, too.