First impressions and remarks

Yesterday I got my MetroX.
What I can say after a few tests:

  • Auto Turntable mode is really good. Sharp and really detailed scans.
  • the cradle to mount the MetroX on the tripod is a joke. I should be made to fix the scanner firmly, not as just a “bed”. When tunrning Metrox upright for full field mode on the triopd, the scanner fell down.
  • The software still has got some bugs: 2 crashes calculating a texture, generating a mesh takes up to 8 min even on small items and with an “optimal” notebook.
  • and what I wanted to ask: i can fuse with max. 0.05, but mesh even with 0.02. Should I do this?

I wonder if Mini2 would be as good with auto TT mode implemented in the “normal” Revoscan…


You can download 3d model of MetroX here and design a cradle to your likings.

Software is in its very early stage and surely be improved also performancewise. A bit patience :relieved:

Meshing at higher value than fused only gives more noise/inaccuracy. As advised also for other scanners, for optimal results always mesh at same values as you fused the cloud.

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Hi, thanks for reporting the bugs, we will feed them back to the R&D team.

Mesh generation time may also be affected by the number of frames scanned, and the speed of the software is currently being improved.

As for the Auto-turntable feature of MINI 2, we need to wait until this feature is implemented before we can evaluate the effect, if you have any suggestions regarding this feature, you can let us know.

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