Scan of motorbike trim

:drooling_face: Now I am very eager to see your testing results. Any idea when you are allowed to share them with us?

Maybe next week , it depends of Revopoint, the KS campaign not even started yet so it is little to early for spoilers.

I wish I could do as I am very excited about and more than before .

Btw I did scanned outdoors but 10 min before the sunset .
Now waiting for a cloudy day to see how early I can use it outside .

I think for European countries where the evening is much longer after sunset it would works better, in USA the Dusk last so short …

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AutoCAD’s default is millimeters and 6 digits of precision (that’s 1 nanometer resolution).

TurboCAD allows setting precision to 10 digits (0.1 picometers for a base unit of 1 millimeter).

I am talking about the resolution and size of the model after high pitch point settings . Most users can’t even import Mini scans to Fusion because is too big and need to simplify it what cause the lost of precision in progress .

Professional reverse engineering modelers don’t care about that kind of stuff , they use it as template only .

Same goes for printing , you need high precision of 0.02mm but you print it mostly at 0.2mm or max at 0.15mm

Same goes for animation or game assets models …you don’t need that .

So that are the examples for everyday stuff …
And if you really about an accuracy and precision you spending 27K on a scanner not $300 on KS .

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