Samsung s21 doesn't see scanner

I’ve tried both my POP3 and range with the android phone and the power stick connected to revoscan version 5.07 downloaded from the android play store . The power lights come on on the scanner , but the phone screen says that no scanner is connected. I tried the scanner with my laptop and revoscan version 5.1.360 and everything seems to be working fine with the USB cable . Not sure why both scanners are not being seen by my phone ?

Not all OTG supports that kind of connection , and that has to do with your phone …
All my Android devices don’t , include tablets . It only support connection via WiFi .
USB or WiFi will give you the same performance, so try connecting via WiFi to make it works .

I did mannage to get it to connect with wi fi . Thanks

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That is good to hear @windsor !
Happy scanning!