Revo STudio and textures

Stupid macho bias on my part, plus the prejudice of google translate…
I am French and I check my English online, bad idea…
I’m ashamed, again my apologies for this reflex from another century… :face_with_hand_over_mouth:

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Oh please don’t apologize… you are not the first or the last, people just assume … but that really don’t matters…

:blonde_woman:t2: :+1:t2:


I know this is an old thread but I was wondering if you have figured out any way to keep the vertex color data on the OBJ file even after batch processing.
My old workflow was that I did all the point cloud manipulation I needed in revoStudio and then imported the generated mesh from there to blender.

Once I had done that I used the Blender unwrap so I could bake the vertex colors as an image texture. This works fine for some models but the second I start passing 1 million verts it takes literal hours to unwrap so my question is if there is any way to “re-use” the UV unwrapping that revoScan does from the texturing process or if its possible to export a model that includes both the generated texture + Vertex colors.

I have gotten great results baking the vertex colors, but majority of the time goes to unwrapping the model which seems like it shouldnt need to take as much time since Revoscan already unwraps it. (the quality of the texture from revoscan seems really bad though)

Thank you by the way for all the help!

The last version of Revo Scan 4.2 actually do the best textures so far , POP2 actually the best so far . Better than before , and better than RGB . Unless you use POP

**But I have a tip for you **
Export the obj from Revo Scan after you meshing it when the RGB is still there.

Then create the textures and export the second obj with the textures.

Import both to Blender or Zbrush as I do and project the RGB color per vertex to the OBJ with UVs and you get new textures in seconds from the RGB .

This is the fastest way to copy the RGB to UVS.

I hope it helps …

Next time please post new thread as this info will get lost in a process since it has nothing to do with Revo Studio.


Oh yeah sure, sorry for not posting in its own thread

Thanks though for the help. I will definitely try this!

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