Can I merge only fused scans, or is it possible to merge meshed scans as well?
Hello, welcome to our community.
Scans can only be merged after point cloud fusion is performed. You can merge models after they have been fused as well as after they have been meshed.
I think you need to select two models to merge. Can this video help you?
Problem is that is the scan before I cleaned it. I want to be able to select the model which is blue in the first picture. If I merge the yellow one with another I get a lot for noise in my model.
But in merge mode I can only select the models before I meshed them
I must be missing something obvious here
Hi, I have identified the reason for the issue. The merging process is based on the model’s point cloud.
Therefore, simply deleting unwanted parts after fusion may still lead to their presence during mesh merging because you haven’t removed the unnecessary data.
Here are two solutions now:
(1) Before model fusion, use a tool to delete the parts you don’t need.
(2) After collecting the original data, go into frame editing to remove the unwanted original data.
You can give this a try. This way, unwanted parts should not appear during the merging process. Please let me know if this helps you!