Revo Scan 5.5.0 Mergeing problems

I have a problem when trying to merge different scans. The software perfectly aligns the scans but when the new model is generated the model is twisted and bent.

For example, the two scans before merge:

After merge:

Anyone have any idea what could be wrong?
Sometimes it works but often this is the result.

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If it bends this means there is not enough points using feature mode , did you tried manual points ?

Thanks for your reply!
It doesnt seem to make a difference if I use feature or manual. I get the same sort of problem either way. There is quite alot of overlap on this example. You can see that the bend is not were the two scans intersect. It is the lower scan that has been deformed. Sometimes it bends even more.

If I have more than two scans to merge, sometimes just switching the order of merges fixes the problem. Sometimes not.

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If I have difficulty I switch to Cloud Compare to do it , other way I am adding additional elements to help better support the scan and later remove it after merging .

There is always a way out , but not one workflow for all .

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Would you share the files ?