I see difference in Software…
RevoScan5MetroX Files cannot be opened in RS5(classic)
View is different, see Screenshot.
RS5X seems to be specialized for MetroX
Hopefully it will be merged together later. Maybe it is depending on the current GPU Support issues.
Hi, I downloaded it to get used to it, and looks like it is not handling additional monitors very well:
a) If I open RevoscanX on my main laptop’s screen it goes as usual, but as soon as I move it to my second screen, it freezes and gets unresponsive. In the linked video I tried to click on every botton/menu, but only once (seen in the video) I got a response:
b) I also noticed that if I make the window bigger manually, the resolution remains constant and does not adapt:
c) If I maximize RevoscanX on the second monitor it continues to fail as in the old version (didn’t bother much, as you can always do it manually) I noticed also that the “Simplification” button flickers.
My guess is that the MetroX uses a very different method to capture data. So it didn’t make sense to make them use the same program. It also keeps the existing development going for fixes while developing the MetroX software.
Once it stabilizes a bit, I suspect it could be merged in. Not doing it now gives them more flexibility to release updated versions without possibily breaking the older scanners. So they don’t have to test every scanner to release a MetroX fix.
Interestingly, it’s also half the file size of the normal Revoscan 5.
Thanks for the info! That’s interesting to know about. I did think the performance check on first startup of the MetroX software is a good idea. People generally don’t know that much about their computers, and as it’s all new, we have no idea what to compare it to.
Sounds like a few people have gotten theirs, and shipments are going out, so we will all know soon enough I guess! We’d all like it yesterday, but hopefully soon for everyone waiting.