Resync Keyframes Inside a Scan in RevoScan

What actions do you recommend to resynchronize keyframes inside a scan?
The statue was big and I noticed the deviation after the scan. I can not do it again as my friend is 100km from here! I would like to have some advice from the community to improve the data before one-click editing.

You need to manually removed the frames that was misaligned, there is not auto function that will do it for you , make sure you remove the right frames. Before fusing.
You lost tracking while scanning and new frames was aligned to a new tracking points that need to be removed manually before anything else.

One-click edit do not produce optimal results I would suggest you do it manually.

Sorry not other way around

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It looks like once a frame is misaligned, it’ll always be misaligned - there’s no facility in RevoScan to re-run the alignment step. (boooooo)

You might be able to make a copy of the model and delete keyframes such that one model has all the frames with one alignment and the other has all the frames with the other alignment, generate the meshes for each model separately, then merge.


RevoScan allow to merge meshes same it allows to merge keyframes?

Sadly at this moment it don’t , the frame alignment is happening on the device in real time while capturing and not in the computer software , that’s why.

Hopefully in future it can.


Revo Scan don’t merge meshes , you merging point clouds that are no meshes. The use of the right terminology is important here as both meaning different things.

Key frames are not aligned in the software, it’s happening on the device in real time while capturing .

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Which SW allows that? RevoScan? CloudCompare? Geomagic?

If I expected you to use another tool, I’d have explicitly mentioned it. All of this should be possible in just revoscan.

No one program merging meshes
You have to merge point cloud for full accuracy of a scanned object not meshes. And Revo Scan do just that , so not sure what you want here ?

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OK it’s clear for me, I have to go from keyframes to point cloud, eventually do a merge of several point clouds, then create one mesh, thank you @PUTV

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Yes that’s exactly the workflow.
I know the Revopoint’s videos showing using the one click edit in their videos but I would avoid it , because it is not what you want if you are about to merge your scans.

Manual processing set by step is the way to go.

Don’t forget to clean out the final merged scan from overlapped points before meshing.

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