Recognizing or not recognizing pop2

Revo Scan Win v401 で、エラーコード7と表示されて、pop2が再起動を繰り返します。


しかしながら、ケーブルの抜き差し、PCやRevo Scanの再起動を繰り返すうち、pop2が正常に動くようになることがあります。一度動くと、Revo Scanを終了させるまで、接続が切れることはありません。

接続ケーブルの不良や、コネクターの接触不良の可能性があると思い、その後はケーブルを抜き差ししていませんが、再びRevo Scanを起動すると、また、エラーコード7と出てpop2が使えなくなります。

ノートPCは2021モデル、AMD Ryzen5 4500U、RAM32.0GBです。ネットで調べてみたところ、上記モデルのUSB3.0の不具合がたくさん報告されているので、何か関係があるかも知れません。回避方法があれば、教えてください。お願いします…

Intel Celeron
Windows10 (21H2)


It sounds a lot like a USB driver/ issue Windows update issue.

Maybe try uninstalling your USB drivers.
They will automatically reinstall as you plug devices in.

And try a Windows update.

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If there is a problem with the USB driver and Windows update, most pop2 users who have successfully updated are in the same situation.

Pop2 is important, but I’m worried that other important USB connected devices will be ruined.

It’s likely that Microsoft will do it, but it’s strange that only pop2 has a problem.

Thank you for your advice✨

After uninstalling the USB driver, when I restarted Windows 11_PC, the USB driver was automatically reinstalled.

Pop2 can or can’t connect as before.

The pattern that can be connected was first recognized by the depth camera, then tapped the pop3 body in the palm of your hand, and then vibrate it to recognize the RGB camera. Pop3 may have poor contact, but I’ll see how it goes for a while. If you can’t connect at all, we will contact you.

Also, if you can connect, I feel that the Type_C cable has less noise.

Thank you for your advice.

I take this to mean that you were able to fix a marginal connection by either tapping the POP 2’s case or shaking it.

Plug in the POP 2 and let it sit for 5 minutes (use it, if you can, but that’s not really important). After 5 minutes, touch the center of the POP 2’s upper surface. If it is comfortably warm, it is fine, but if it is so hot that it almost burns, then it would seem you have a defective unit and should talk directly with Revopoint Support.

Addressing your earlier posts about the possibly-bad USB connection: Yes, it could be the cable (I broke one about 9 months ago).

It could also be that both devices have flaky USB ports. I would suggest getting a USB 3 hub that has a separate power supply (20 watts or better) and use that between your computer and the POP 2. You could also use it to power the POP 2 while you connect in WiFi mode.

You can also get a spare cable (either a direct plug-in model or use the Mobile Adapter so you can use USB Type C and Micro connectors).

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When pop2 is available, the CPU of the PC uses the clock to the limit, and the main body of pop2 gets hot, but you can somehow touch it by hand. I can understand that it requires a lot of electrical power.

Even if it’s less than 10% of a commercial 3D scanner, it was an expensive purchase for me, so I don’t want it to break for at least a year.

Thank you for your reply :blush:

It is happening when POP2 captures frames in real time , and the main body get hot because the aluminium cover is a heat dispenser for the processor inside that do not use fans or have any vents and that is normal , as long you can touch it it is ok, do not leave it plugged in when you not working with .
If it get too hot, it will shut down IR sensors until it cool off for that reason you need moderate ambient temperatures to use it .

and do not shake or drop it , you may lose the proper calibration .

I don’t know where you living but I can’t get any proper commercial scanner below $1000

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The power supplies for the POP & POP 2 are supposed to provide 1 amp. At 5 volts, that is 5 watts. This is not a lot of power. Spread over a properly designed and installed heat sink, it will not get very hot.

I, and others, have been recommending that people get power bricks capable of 10 watts or more because so many have borderline functionality at their rated power.

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It hasn’t been long since pop2 was released.

The usage environment of ordinary users may be different from the development environment, and a certain level of expertise is required.

It is also understandable that no matter how good the product is, there are a certain number of defective products and products that are not compatible with some PC environments.

In my case, I want the PC to recognize pop2 a little more smoothly.

I hope pop2 will evolve in a better way.

Thank you very much :pleading_face:

I live in Japan, and with the automatic translation function

I read the following thread.

“Constant disconnect and reconect on usb 3.0 (chinooker)”

It’s exactly the same as my symptoms.

(If you’re lucky, the PC will recognize pop2)

It didn’t improve.

If it was a problem with frequently updated Windows, or AMD or intel, I thought I had no choice but to give up.

Even if we fight, no one will be happy.


it is impossible to create a product that will work on all system with all PC environments , there are also some softwares that can interrupt with proper working of POP2 .
I had my $10K PC working just fine with USB 3, then Windows updated and only USB-C was working , now after another Windows updates they both working again , so that was actually the updates messing up everything .
So I got tired of fighting it and just charging my POP2 separately now with proper AC at 5V 1Am and data via USB-C using the mobile connector with extension cable , and my problems disappeared for good so I can focus on scanning !

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Hhmmm… with my Mobile Adapter, the USB-C port carries only power and it goes to the battery or wall wart. The Micro-USB port only supports USB 2.0 data speeds, but that is more than enough for the POP scanners.

Is your Mobile Adapter from Revopoint? I wonder if they changed suppliers.

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With the Mobile split cable the USB-C caries only data , the power goes via USB-A , it was always like that .

But if you have USB C to USB A adapter you can use USB3 extension cable for the data , it works fine too .

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Jeff I think we talk about 2 different things here , I was talking about Mobile split cables USBA-Power USBC-Data and I assume you talk about the power bank ?

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We’re talking about the same functionality, but seemingly not the same configuration. The first version is a Mobile Adapter that plugs into the back of the scanner and provides two USB ports, Micro and C.

The other also plugs into the back of the scanner, but includes two cables, one with a Type A plug and the other a Type C plug.


I never had the other one beside the one with 2 cables even with POP1

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Pop2 can now be recognized.

To connect to a PC, Type-C is directly connected to Note-PC.

In the past, we didn’t recognize Buffalo’s external SSDs, and the materials at that time were helpful.

Deleting Windows 11 junk files → Clean up the registry → Reinstall the USB driver → Delete all the peripherals that can be deleted → Run the current Windows update → Power the USB driver Change to uncontrolled settings

I did too much, so I don’t know what is the right answer, but it was good. I won’t update Windows for a while.

From now on, you can focus on 3D scanning. ( Also, I think there are a lot of problems, but I hope it can be solved like a game.)

Thank you for your reply.

Below is an excerpt from the Buffalo page.

For customers using external SSDs and portable HDDs, AMD Ryzen CPU support

Our target products use UASP (USB Connection SCSI Protocol) for USB transfer mode, but AMD’s Ryzen CPU does not work properly with UASP transfer, and our products recognize it. You may not be able to use it.

By using the USB transfer mode switching tool described below, you can avoid this problem by setting the firmware on the side of the product to run only in BOT (Bulk Dedicated Transport) mode. This product can be used normally with the CPU.

For individuals who have switched to USB transfer mode using this tool, the transfer speed of the product may decrease after switching.

This is some fascinating information. Also worrying, because I am using a Ryzen CPU on my next PC (most likely).

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