"Project Save" modal buttons are mixed/changed in SPANISH


I noticed that when I go from a project to HOME, the modal appears telling me
“The project has being changed. Are you sure you want to save your changes?”.

“Guardar” means “Save” but NOW it works as CANCEL… and cancel button saves the projecty… so I had lost a few projects for this behaviour.

Also the copy is not right. It should say something like “Retornar al inicio le hará perder sus cambios. Desearía guardar los cambios antes?”

This means something like “Returning home will make you lose your changes. Do you like to save your changes before?”
I’m not a UX writer so that may be much better, but the point is, in spanish it doesn’t make much sense… ( neither in english if you ask me ). And it not working as expected.

Screenshot 2023-09-05 143007

save your project here before leaving the main tab , or use shortcut key Ctrl+S

I never trust the notes anyway , sometimes it save other times not … be safe, use Ctrl+S

@Revopoint-Mia ( please check the proper translation and error of the saving note as suggested by @luccas222 and let the dev.team knows )

@luccas222 Could I know which version of the Revo scan you are having?