Traduccion Revo Scan 5

Buenas se sabe si abra traducción al Español de Revo Scan 5


La versión de Android ya está en español, así que supongo que la de Windows lo estará pronto (de las de iOS/Mac no te puedo decir)

Ok gracias

Revo Scan Windows 5.0.1

Screenshot 2023-03-30 163727

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Hi, I have downloaded Revo Scan Windows several times and I can’t find it in Spanish

I don’t know why , but my latest RS5 version showing Spanish language …
Maybe because it was included in early version ?

It was present in previous releases, but in the current one it is gone (perhaps because there are new wizards, and need to be translated).

This topic was brought on another thread, and Revopoint already assured the translations will be back.

Hi @krofinski it’s means you can copy and paste the translation since I do have it in the last version and it was not removed while installing the last build .
Some of the terms changed but the meaning of them is still the same .

We should get new version anyway before the weekend, probably tomorrow.

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Lo mejor sería tener un pdf del tutorial, aunque sea en inglés, y poder traducirlo nosotros mismos, es mejor consultar las instrucciones en papel y no tener que ir entrando y saliendo del programa. Gracias.

En este path tienes acceso al manual en html:

C:\Program Files\Revo Scan 5\tutorial