Hi Guys
I would like to combine the volumetric precision of the photogrammetry of the miraco plus with the loca precision of the Metro X
the idea is to do the acquisition with the miraco plus then import in the pc the .mkf file generated and the start to scan with the Metro X on this grid
in this way i can achieve an amazing result also on big distances!
i’m quite sure it can work because i tested it with the miraco plus and the Range … but i need to be sure it works also with the MetroX
Can someone help me to test it out?!
it would be a gamechanger for Revopoint users,
this solution could generate a result equivalent to high level professional 3d scanner such as the kscan magic 2 from scantech (60k) at an affordable price (3k)
Its an interesting idea. Basically a more accurate global point cloud?
But why would you do all that work with the Miraco to then scan with the Range? What advantage does the range have over the Miraco? I guess range has a slightly further capture distance by 300mm. But overall I think the Miraco is a better scanner than the Range. Or were you just testing to see if that worked for giggles? Does the Range actually “see” and interpret the coded targets or is it just using the marker dots as a global point cloud in your testing?
For this to work with the Metro X I would think that it would need the software to understand the coded markers. If this was the case then you could use the PMK with any of the scanners, but that isnt the case.
no, the range was simply used to test if it works with other scanners, i don’t have the metro x yet i have the range and the miraco plus so i tested with what i have at home…
you don’t need to read the coded marker once you have created the global marker grid with miraco plus onli the UNCODED marker are necessary, the coded marker with the scale bar are used only during the acquisition of the grid of marker with high precision then once is created you don’t need them anymore
An easy example, imagine you want to 3D scan very precisely a flat surface 5 meter long with metro x, after one meter is stil flat but after 5m is a banana, that is because it generate a costant error in the acquisition of the marker,
but if you can do the acquisition of the marker with the photogrammetry of miraco plus and then use only the uncoded marker to 3d scan with metro x , after 5m is stil flat!