Next time, change FedEx please!

So eating crow here. It took the craziest route and currently is going nowhere.

It was supposed to have arrived 12 hours ago.

It went from China to Alaska, and then was shipped 4000 miles down to Tennessee, where it passed directly over my city at 2000 miles. It has to come 2000 miles back, and the tracking said it arrived in Tennessee 2 days ago. It apparently is “In Transit” in Tennessee no as of 6 hours ago.

Maybe the problem is FedEx when it gets routed through the US?

Now delivery is pending. I guess I should have said nothing.

Good suggestion. I received mine via FedEx with some amount of exasperation, but all of that in China. Once it actually left China and got to Japan, I received it within 3 days (including time zone changes). That is from Japan to Nashville, TN (FedEx hub) and then to Los Angeles, CA.

I have read that some European deliveries were delayed because the package never made it out of Nashville; that is a puzzle.
