More robust point attributes

I work in Visual Effects and would love to have more support for per point attributes. Currently on export the *.ply only puts out Color, Normal, Position, and Alpha.

I would love to get the Frame number per point so it would allow post processing to be much more easier.

Not sure what you are even asking here, can you exemplify with your tools?

When exporting data from Revo, each point/vertex gets a set of information attacthed to it. Right now when I export a point cloud to *.ply it writes each position of a point, each point’s Normal vector, each point’s color vector, and an Alpha per point.

It would be great if you ether A.) supported *.USD point exports and exposed more of the raw data that is assigned to each point in the point cloud, or B.) look to adding more attributed to *.PLY

In relation to ply you can put the frame number into a new property value per vertex.

As illustrated in the image below. There are only 5 point “attributes” and I would love to get a 6th named Frame Number. For each point, it would be an attribute that is the frame number from the scan.

I see, that is interesting…

@Revopoint-Jane @Revopoint-Cassie
How feasable would be to implement such information.

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Hi @partiallyfrozen

Thank you for your suggestion, we will feed this back to our product team. They will evaluate this suggestion to see if it can be implemented in future software.

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