Miraco pro wont scan 4 inch by 6 inch flat name plate

this is driving me crazy and I think I made a very expensive mistake with this scanner. It wont track no matter what I do. Its very cryptic in the errors. its not featureless scan. what is wrong with this process that I am missing. scanning the test head is easy. this wont even start working let alone keep tracking

Hi @sin0cide

Hello, please don’t worry, we are here to help you.

This object seems to have some reflections. Have you tried using some scanning spray on it?

Could you provide a video? We would like to know more details to assist you better.

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I have some spray but the object is not mine and I am worried it would stain brass

I will make a video tomorrow

ok, you can use some baby powder; they can be easily removed after scanning and won’t affect the appearance of the brass.

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Hi sin0cide!

I don’t think you made a mistake buying the Miraco pro.
Your struggling is the exact same i felt when i tried to scan my first challenging parts. That was the main reason for shooting my Video as i did.
Structured Light Scanning as the Miraco does, even with UV Light, has some issues with certain things. Shiny parts, dark parts, symmetrical parts and parts with low detail are hard to scan.

Here are some tips for scanning that might help. (If not you are allowed to swear loud and hard)
-Try to use Miraco Near mode with feature tracking and put some random stuff, or crumpled paper around your part. Try to use something in an near colour.
-Scan the part from above at approximately 150mm away and perpendicular to the plate, and keep the additional parts in the field of view.
-If you struggle anyway, try to use Babypowder as mentioned above. A small spray bottle with 50/50 Babypowder and Isopropanol works wonders. The isopropanol evaporates quickly and won’t harm brass as the baby powder won’t harm brass and you can simply wash, blow or brush it off afterwards.

If you need assistance, we could also do a Teams meeting or something similar if you wish. I am not an expert, but i had this exact pain in my a** for a long time now and got to a point where i can do my scanning way easier and faster with great outcome.

If any Questions, feel free to reach out, or not as you like!

Wish you Luck and some damn good scans. The Machine can handle it once you get the trick!


I tried it today with the most similar item i could find around my house.
I came up with this:

It is small, brass colour with low details.
I tried to scan it as it is without luck. Too few features i got told as i expected.
Then i wrapped around just the Band that came with it and Boom!

I got a pretty descent scan of it. Without the need of spray or whatsoever.

With Babypowder and Isopropanol its even crispier

I use a small spray bottle with 50% Baby Powder and 50% Isopropanol.
Spray it evenly from far distance to get smooth coverage

And cleaning is a breeze, just wiped off with a normal Brush

I think in this scenario a fine Scanningspray could make a huge difference, but you can easily see what normal Babypowder can do and how easy it is to work with.
And again, the awesome accuracy of the Miraco!
I love that thing.

I hope this helps you out


adding the random object worked well! I finally have something to work with! Thank you all for the great advice!