Miraco Precision

I was wondering how much of a marketing fake the Video with the dimensional accuracy test was, so I started my own.

I chose a part at work, a bearing cover. I have to draw this piece to manufacture some spare.

I started by measuring the part with my caliper

I chose the inner diameter for reference because that is the critical one where the dust-ring will sit.
Measurement was 140mm -0,01mm

Next, I prepared the part with AESUB blue on the small MagicMat for nearmode scanning.

The Scan went flawlessly, but I needed my printed magnetic markers for good tracking.

I chose one-click edit for fastest workflow

Last but not least I exported the STL opened in GOM Inspect and did the same measurement there.

Manually measured diameter 139,99mm
Scanned diameter 139,93mm

Revopoint, I am really impressed!


I have a few of revopoint scanners (pop1, pop2, mini, range and miraco) and their perfomances (accuracy and precision) always were better than official specs. This is due to philosophy of Revopoint to stay true to and to fullfill their advertised specs -unlike some other brands.:zipper_mouth_face:
I am glad you are not dissapointed neither😁

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Oh man that is absolutely wild. Very impressive!