Dimensional precision Mini

Hi guys.

I did the following scan with Mini and handheld stabilizer, meshed in Revo Studio, highest quality mesh. The part size is approximately 192x138x138mm.
Apparently the part geometry looks ok, but dimensionally it is not accurate. I did some measurements in GOM Inspect and compared it with a caliper. Some dimensions are ok, others aren’t, so trying to scale to fit the dimensions would not work. The same happens if I do the scan the turntable and the scanner static.

What am I doing wrong? Is there a way to make it more accurate?

Ps. tried to upload more images but it was not possible.

Hi @alexc.araujo
The best accuracy with MINI is at 10 cm distance from the front scanner to the object .

Did you scanned separate angles or you captured everything at once, did you used tripod or hand held , if hand held the number may be not all accurate but acceptable .

The best accuracy is when the object is on turntable and the scanner on tripod steady in position at 10cm distance from the edge of the object .

Another thing you can do is Calibration Test 3 times and let me know the lowest value you get to ensure everything is at it should ( just the test)

The part was on a manual turntable and I did turn it as I completing the part, then fused and scanned the other side, only one scan, no aligning.
As it is bigger than the sigle capture window of Mini, I used the handheld stabilizer. Is a 0,5mm deviation acceptable?

O.5 mm is acceptable, but because you turned it on different angle it lost the accuracy, I suggest you scan one angle by the time , then export the fused part and start new session scanning the other angle , then merge it in Revo Studio then mesh it at level not greater than 5-6
Higher meshing level will induce noises and not regular surfaces .

And if you want to archive the best precision I would suggest you merge the elements using Cloud Compare as it has very fine merging tool to archive the best accuracy

Changing position while scanning will affect the accuracy one way or another to some level . That why scanning plain angles only and not over scanning the object will produce the best results .

Scan one angle 360 degrees, fuse at 0.02mm , mesh it at level 6 no denoiser no closing holes, export in ply format

Do that for each angle you need
When you import the meshed into the Revo Studio for alignment and merge it will be converted automatic to point cloud.

This way you will get the cleanest surface possible .
After merging , mesh it at level 5-6 but not higher than that .
Level 5 in Revo Studio is Level 6 in Revo Scan

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When doing each angle at a time, do you suggest meshing in Revo Scan or Revo Studio? or it makes no difference?

Mesh it in Revo Scan after each scan , level 6 , no denoiser , no closing holes.

This will give you the most clean and accurate result for merging multiple objects later in Revo Studio , after you merged the angles , you can mesh it at level 5-6 in Revo Studio .

After merging …

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Got it! I’ll try it out and tell the results. Thank you for your attention!

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