Miraco First Scans

Just some random Scan’s with the Miraco.
Still not perfect, but I progress. :slight_smile:


Very good scans @GerritCorsmeyer as for the begining of using it , not bad at all !

Nice one. That’s a very good start for sure.

Here is another one I could recover from my messed up Projects.
First one is with Miraco RGB Camera, second one is a reapplied Texture from 12MP Photographs.
I think I am not a big fan of the build in RGB Camera.

Happy Christmas all of you :slight_smile:


Mery Christmas :christmas_tree: to you and yours !

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Lovely scans! Merry Christmas all :slight_smile:


No textures involved.

Don’t worry, normaly I don’t look like this.
Just at night… :slight_smile: :rofl:


Very impressive.
How did you scan bottom of those animals?
I tried with turntable. But I couldn’t get enough scanning of under surface.
If you can give me any tip, Appreciate.

Just turn on the Base Removal, make the first scan in a standing position in feature mode. Then press pause on the scanner and try to lay down the figure. Try to match a already scanned part, and Miraco should match it.

Sometimes I need two seperate scans, and merge them together.

:slight_smile: Gerrit

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A frend just came by for a Coffee… (still the Miraco…)


Thank you! good tip.