hi mi metro x work perfect on laser cross and parallel Lines ,
full field mode not work .
All the time it says that the camera is overexposed no matter what exposure setting I give it, it loses track and montages the images.
Is there any way to test if I have a problem with my hardware?
Please give us more information like your Hardware specs and running system.
Do you have any external light sources or sunlight shining ion you’re prob you want to scan?
lets get some pictures of what you are trying to scan and the setup. Just saying it doesn’t work is not helpful. The more info you give us, the better we can help you. Seems like your PC is capable of running RevoScan scan, so we can rule that out.
Are you running the most up to date version of RevoScan and have you updated firmware on your scanner?
Yes, a couple of photos or even a small video of the environment would be helpful, as well as a screen capture of RevoscanX, so that the settings are visible