MetroX full field tracker mode test - there is something wrong

A few people mentioned this so I decided to test it.
First of all, marker tracking as a whole.
It works great

  • cross line
  • parallel lines
  • global marker scan
    All of them work pretty identical, they easily see the markers.
    They see both the 3mm and 6mm ones.
    The 3mm markers stop being recognized when you’re too far, but getting back closer shows them again.
    So basically everything works as it should, as one would expect.

Now the Full field mode.
It’s bad.
Like not even close.
As soon as you switch to full field (normal marker tracking or global marker tracking) Revoscan just doesn’t see the markers.
There is pretty much no way to get it to see the 3mm markers, it sees the 6mm ones but it’s really struggling.

Look at it - all these markers visible in the depth camera, but only a single marker found by Revoscan.
We even get the 3d scan of the marker stickers faster than we can get the track to work.
At most I managed to get 4 markers to show up at the same time - still not enough to make the track work - and even then they were really touch and go - they kept disappearing all the time.

Now changing absolutely nothing I switch to Parallel Lines mode:

Boom, a bunch of markers are visible.
Same set up, same scanner position, same everything.

I noticed that when I’m creating the Global marker cloud, the scanner has no blue light on, so marker tracking is completely separate from the scanning modes - if so, then I see no reason why there would be such a big difference between the modes.

Now I have been able to scan things in auto turn table mode using markers before - so it’s not like markers don’t work at all in Full field mode - it’s just that they work waaaaay worse than they should imho.

PS. I also checked my set up in Miraco and Mini - both of these scanners had no problems tracking these markers - so the probem is unique to MetroX full field mode.


I will tag @Revopoint-Jane to take s note about this post and follow with the Dev.Team

Thanks Filip


Hi Filip, we will look into this issue as soon as possible.

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Let me know if I can help in any way.

I too have a similar problem, but for me it is also in laser mode. Markers are clearly visible in the depth camera window, but it does not see/use them at all if outside the perfect distance range, which is very short.

In Laser mode only partial markers are active where the laser lines shine over it at specific angle , it was design this way so little different than Full Field .

Ok… Could it not be made so the blue leds illuminate the markers instead, to enable smoother tracking in laser mode?

It is designed to not fire the laser when it don’t detect the markers in the specific area for safety reasons.

I must admit that the area is very small
And sometimes troublesome especially at a specific angles when the markers are not aligned in the same row.

Before that it worked differently while beta testing but caused too many issues so I don’t think it will be changed for now.
Hopefully better solution arrives with time.