Improvements to Miraco and Miraco PRO

Hello, I have a request for improving the Miraco and Miraco PRO products by increasing the scanning speed from 15 to 20 frames per second, similar to the Miraco Plus. The scanners have the same hardware, so I’m confident this is possible.

I understand that you want to differentiate these products, but you’ve already achieved this by offering the metrology package, optical zoom, and single frame accuracy with the Plus version. The metrology package, in particular, gives it a different dimension.

I hope you will at least consider this request. Thank you for your time.


Actually it is probably easier for them to implement the metrology capability as it is just a software solution.

it would also mean bigger sales of their metrology kits at a larger profit margin

Not so fast … I testing the Miraco Plus firmware on Miraco PRO and the results are not satisfactory .
The speed can’t get higher than 16FPS in High Speed Mode and around 10-15FPS in General mode

The speed depends on the data , and the data is already so compressed that doing more you going to lose the accuracy even more . That the reason only High Speed can reach 16FPS … who want higher speed in the price of even lower accuracy ?

For that reason only single shot mode offers 8K color and best accuracy …

Don’t forget that when scanning in color you need to capture around 60 images at the speed of 20FPS and 40 without color .
For a tablet system that’s a lot to handle .

Remember all the work is happening inside the scanner hardware , computer software only collecting the data and have zero influence on the speed .

The hardware is not the same in both models hence it do not reach the speed of 20FPS or can use optical zoom on preview MIRACO devices , despite the facts it use “the same” firmware … it would be nice , but it is not gonna happen without sacrifice of the accuracy .

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It did not worked the way it should , already in testing for quite some time on previous MIRACO versions …today I am testing the final update so finger crossed :crossed_fingers: maybe we get lucky …

Of course no optical zoom since it requires different hardware .

If the record :
Everybody assume that Revopoint is doing it on purpose to force the sales on new product , but that is total BS to begin with … Nobody of you know what is happening behind the scene and what is done or in the process , so please have a little more trust and patience…


Hi, how does the optical zoom work on the Miraco Plus? Will the distance of the projection lines be reduced optically, and will the detail of the close-up cameras also be optically increased? Is it theoretically possible to increase the accuracy of the old Miraco by making an external optical attachment mounted on the Miraco that was before the projection led and receiving cameras? Thank you for your reply.

Hi @Marian

The regular version have only digital zoom , it zoom in just to make the scanning experience to be more precise visually but it is only cam preview , not actual depth sensor feedback … the real feedback only sees infrared pattern .

MIRACO PLUS , adjust the size of the projected lines , how smaller and dence the projected lines how more accuracy you can capture , of course infrared laser has its own limitations and how fine you can get the lines from the projector , but MIRACO PLUS is the first optical scanner that can do it without changing the lenses and recalibrate it each time so pretty improvement .
To my knowledge the Depth sensors uses optical zoom . MIRACO Plus also uses a glass calibration board for higher calibration accuracy while calibrating with the new features .

And regarding your question , yes I tried to do that for over 2 years now , to increase the sharpness and make the lines finer but then I lost the proper distance so, it did not worked .

If you use a zoom lens on the depth sensors you will get less accuracy as the lines become bigger reducing the accuracy .

You will need to use 2 optics , one for decrease the projector lines and one to zoom the lines on depth sensor and after recalibrate the new settings .

Just theory because I was not able to get the proper result while playing with it .
The alignment of the sensors in relation to each other need to be very precise .

It was fun playing with the stuff , but after MINI arrived I just dropped it … nothing bite blue light scanner accuracy …

Just remember the projector is projecting 2 frame patterns , left and right , the projection speed depends of the Frame rate per second of your device .

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Thank you very much for the detailed answer and explanation.

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You welcome … actually I tried to reverse the MINI 2 to be able to scan bigger objects with blue laser since it is more powerful than infrared …but got lots of noises …

Then actually got Range to scan at a 3 meter distance what was amazing , good old times when I had direct access to the software codes … now sadly no access anymore . Not on PC or MIRACO due to new policy…

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I would suggest to check this link for the great offer :MIRACO and MIRACO Pro Trade-in Offer for MIRACO Plus

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I would like also add for the new users , that the .animal frame speed of a scanner should be not less than 10 frames per second for continue mode for comfortable scanning of a semi featured object.

Why you need fast frame speed ?
Well you don’t need it all all , as you can use single shot mode and avoid all the Jung data all together , get greater accuracy , less errors, faster processing speed .

With 30 to 90 single frames you get yourself a full proper scan of an object .
If you scanning in continuous mode all the frames you scanning over second will be not used in the final model , 80-90% if it will be removed in a processing .

Fast frame speed is required not for capturing better a object surface , but to ensure continuous tracking .

So if you used 4000 continuous frames or 30 single frames the results will be the same at the end .

A useful rule of thumb is that a good scan should have at least 90 single frames from all angles .
It will also depends if the scanned object have under cuts or not , under cuts require a lot more angles to be scanned .

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I would like to know if the feature to manually lower the frame rate like to 5 per second or anything between 2 and 10 frames…


Hi Tbastian , you don’t want to lower the frame rate below 10 fps ,
Anything below 10fps will be too choppy and you going to lose tracking more often , continues mode should never have less than 10fps

Also the frame rate will change based on how big area your capturing , so not recommend.

Use Single Shot mode , that why it was made for .

So can we have the option to put it to 10fps. I like to move the scanner slowly. When I move too fast the imu causes lost tracking…

The IMU doesn’t like to be bumped or moved too fast. A higher speed chip IMU would be better but cost more.

My MIRACO runs at 12fps for General , 14fps for Standard and 16 for High Speed .

IMU works best of the scanner changes it’s position ( vertically vs horizontally )
You need to evaluate your scanning object and choice the best mode .

Objects with less features required the Standard or High Speed Accuracy . Only the very heavy in details objects, should use the General mode .

If your MIRACO runs slower than 10fps in General, Standard or High Speed mode , I would recommend you contact for technical assistance regarding your hardware .

Remember the object you scanning in Far mode should have at least 3 features no more than 8 cm / 80 mm apart in each frame for proper tracking

In Near mode your features should be less than 3 cm / 30 mm apart

And faster chip will not help you , it is optical scanner , it relays on objects features .

Infrared scanners need to move very slowly with speed below 30 sec per 360 rotation .

So please write to and include all your frame speed in each mode for better evaluation of your issue , because from what you say it do not works optimal .

I understand… I’m scanning objects on a fixed mount outdoors elevated the size of a small car. So sometimes I don’t have the luxury of changing orientation. From what I understand is that the IMU information is combined with the optical information to create the alignment process, otherwise we wouldn’t have the drifting capture frames. If this isn’t the way then why do we have the IMU? I understand the need for optical markers or characters of different details to help the software align each frame. But I have found that the missed tracking frames won’t software align even when there is sufficient detail or markers.

IMU don’t help you if there is not proper level of features , it is rather for stability while scanning , keeping better the alignment of the features (frames) . You still need features at proper distance in each frame .
90% of all issues related to scanning are because of lack of features . The number one rule when using optical scanning technology .

Scans the size of a small car need to be scanned in smaller fragments to keep the proper volume . And of course lots of features or optical markers .

Then please contact for evaluation of your hardware , since I don’t experience any of that with my MIRACO .
Your frame rate may be too slow what can cause issues like that .

BTW did you ever tried single shot mode ? It is so much better , easy to control , less frustrating and no place of error … if your objects have enough features , you should scan it with at maximum 90 frames … try out !

Single shot mode is in 8K resolution… What is the resolution of multi frame capture?

8K resolution or 4K resolution only for color frames in a single shot mode .
Continues mode uses 2K color frames .

The reason? The processor is too slow to capture 4K or 8K in continuous mode , plus the size of a project would be bigger than the total free space on your device …
I short beyond the capacity of an Android tablet .