Hi. Very new Mini 2 user, looking for suggestions on increasing the detail in a scan

Hello Hello. I just received my Mini 2 this week and have begun to scan my aquarium’s collection of dolphin vertebrae. I’ve done these successfully using photogrammetry, but I’d prefer to do them with the Mini 2. My first couple of test scans are coming out pretty decent for a newbie, but I’d like some advice on how to avoid the holes shown in this image. I tried to ‘fill the holes’, but the the tool will not do anything on these two areas. Do I need more light? Slower turntable, use of the 1.5x or 2.0x focus? Anything/everything else ? Thanx in advance.


nice looking scan! :clap:you could scan the missing area(s) and merge it with other scan(s). just take sure there is enough overlapping areas on the edges for easier merging.

make sure you watch tutorials on how to do it and let us know if we can help you further.

keep sharing your scans, it looks interesting!:slightly_smiling_face::dolphin:


You can always rescan the missing areas again , it was missed .

Don’t use any light if you don’t scan in color , MINI 2 uses Blue light laser so anything that absorbs blue color will be invisible to the sensors .
Try to scan different angles while scanning to capture the under cuts .

Keep the excellent distance for best details .
Clean the scan after fusing it in advance mode , remove all overlapped and lose points .

Since your scanned objects don’t require the 0.02mm accuracy fuse it at 0.08 or 0.1 or even 0.2mm

I see from your image that the edge was missed while scanning , try to scan it at different angle after resuming scanning .

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To all: Thanx for the advice. As a brand-new Mini-user, I didn’t know I could do separate scans and then easily merge them. Came out great !!!


Great results !

Regarding: “I tried to ‘fill the holes’, but the the tool will not do anything on these two areas”

Just in case you encountered the minor hurdle that I encountered: as a newish user with a bit more experience now, it took me a while to figure out that when you go to use the “fill holes” tool, it highlights the holes in green. You have to click on the holes (or press CTRL/CMD+A to select all) then apply. If all holes are outlined in green, you’ll get the error “hole filling failed.”

I don’t know why the holes start with being outlined in green, then when selected, highlight in red. That seems counterintuitive in my opinion (simply because green means go, red means stop), but once you know it, it’s an easy enough adjustment.

I’m glad the overall issue has been rectified for you, but I wanted to share this bit in case you need that tool in the future :slight_smile: