He Man Battle Cat

This will need to be rescaned too many issues with the scan BUT overall shape is there BUT needs redoing this was done with POP2 i will be aiming for pop mini eh Battle Cat scan, sculpt and paint

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Remember that MINI ( not pop mini ) was made for scanning small objects , as it allows a finer accuracy , also MINI is very picky about the surface materials and some colors so it works best in combination with fine 3D spray .
Surfaces like resin, wax, metals, reflective plastic etc needs 3D spray . Colors like yellow, red, green, orange, black are difficult to scan since the colors absorb a blue light .

I like what you have in your video preview , looks very nice :+1:t2:

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thats not a problem, i have a can of matt medium grey model spray paint i dont care if i have to distroy them just to make them scanned :wink: i already pre paired quite a few ultimately i want them scanned so i can make my own varients and mash them up with other toylines i really didnt need the texture map of the battle cat but i thought id give it a whirl :wink: i took 6 scans intotal of it of various places then aligned them into one BUT i forgot the daum feet and next time i’ll scann the inner side of the legs too

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