Guess the Stretch Goal of MetroX

:clap: Wondering what is MetroX’s first Stretch Goal? Take a guess!

there are definitely markers :sweat_smile:


also large turntable :smiley:

Markers would be good, and an option to buy discounted as I never saw the Advanced Super Early Bird bundle when I jumped on the Kickstarter.

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I think that large turntable @kkula9999 will be a stretch too far for Revopoint :joy:

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New pair of eyeballs , You know the drill :joy:


A silicone cover so we don’t accidently throw MetroX and break our laptop screens as we flail wildly while scanning. Every handheld device since the original Wii remote has needed a silicone cover.

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I hope for a silicone cover😅


A holder that can be clipped on to hold the scanner better.

would the hard cover better? as the silicoe will become sticky over the time for using

This! :clap: otherwise this is the first thing I would design and 3d print as accessoire (3d marker jigs already printed and waiting for the action :slightly_smiling_face: )


You better don’t put that thing inside any silicon :joy:, it need to breathe , it have a little “legs” in front to prevent scratches of the sensors when you put it on the table , it is already rubberized


It has rubberized part where you hold it on both sides and top, it is already protected from touch

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Right! I saw these and already forgot about that nifty and useful design detail. :sweat_smile:
Very well thought through​:clap: Now I really wonder about the first stretch goal as actually the package IMO already is complete…:thinking: AFAIK in the past it was always additional set of markers.

Well we need as much markers as possible if you want to use Laser mode , it don’t works without .
So not bad idea , "give us what we need " right?

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Right, never enough of those markers😁


Single Laser Line Mode


That would be probably at 3 milion stretch goal .
But my favorite guess so far !

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that would AWESOME…unexpected, but AWESOME… but to be honest, maybe going to happen for a future version of metroX. I don’t think this would even happen as 3 Mio stretch goal… but never say never… :crossed_fingers:


In the future anyway … the hardware has the capacity, who know what come in December

Just remember, single line require the most time to scan anything , it collect small points and the line so fine , take very long to complete and best for objects that are flat and without undercuts

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