Guess the Stretch Goal of MetroX

As I just realised the MetroX uses laser class 2M - laser goggles?

not mandatory if you don’t scan
mirrored surfaces. otherwise:

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Advance Kit for all Bakers that have baked a Project from Revopoint before :wink:

There will be no special additional discounts for previous backers this time .

Is it going to be an upgraded carring case?

An upgraded carrying case seems more likely than, say, a longer-term subscription to the Reverse Engineering app, QuickSurface.

But I’m going to guess a significant number of magnetic markers.

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What kind of upgrade to this case can you imagine? :thinking: IMO more than sturdy enough with place for everything needed :slightly_smiling_face:

I seriously see nothing that can be upgraded , it is already optimal and it fits everything I need including my magnetic Markers kit and my safety glasses

Will it hold one of the powerful laptops with the recommended CPU/GPU combination, along with the additional power supply & power/USB cables?

As it is, I expect to use the Miraco Plus for remote measurements and the MetroX for in-studio work because a powerful laptop will set me back much more than the MetroX.

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It can fit in a regular laptop on top , if you remove the lose foam .

And that is … no more space

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I guess you’ll need a separate laptop bag for that🙂

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The powerful gaming laptops are too big to fit inside , this thing is already heavy on its own .
You better make case for your PC :joy:

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That might not be the case(no pun intended) since it would only be for the andvaned. I was thinking a case to hold the Metrox tools and the marker kit.

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What about a longer cable to connect to your computer?

not sure if there is any one mention,
so no wifi mode for metroX? I knew that there is performance issue, but any?

I think and I hope, would be a silicone cover to protect it (similar the one provided with MIRACO)!

It have a heavy duty case to protect it and rubber parts where you touch it and little legs to prevent from sensor scratching when you put it on table top

You don’t want to use it while it is in any case , it need to exhaust the heat away and a silicon cover will only trap the heat resulting in short life span of the components .

For storage use soft fiber cloth or reuse the original bag .