Global Marker Tracking- Exposure too high

Anyone else having this problem with revoscan 5.4.12?

Scanning with global marker tracking even the lowest exposure setting is too high (both auto and manual), experiencing it with both with pop2 and miraco in pc-mode. When switching back to normal scanning mode (without global marker tracking) exposure settings are normal and way lower , as usual. :thinking:

Probably was increased to be able to capture markers better , since there was issue with normal exposure settings . The Markers was hard to catch .

I did not noticed it since lately I am using Revopoint AB 6 3D spray and it’s is middle gray so higher exposure is needed .

I will check it tonight
Thanks Ivan for catching it up

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I just tested with MINI series, no issues with Exposure actually perfection vs normal mode when scanning white object , I suspected they did not adjusted correctly POP2 exposure in the profile , will check the rest

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thx for checking, will retest it with mini and range.

POP 3 Plus exposure works fine

INSPIRE works fine !

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Miraco works fine when scanning with Global Markers , exposure is perfect in Near mode

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Thanks for testing, Cath! :pray:

I redid my testing today and only seem to have overexposure even on minimal exposure setting only on miraco pro (pc mode, near, picture lowest right). Same object with my other scanners at about optimal distance the minimal exposure is much lower and can be adjusted as needed on auto and manual.

Not sure if PC restart today solved it for pop2 somehow, because it had the same problem yesterday, but today not anymore…

OVERALL GREAT EXPERIENCE with global marker tracking. IMO noticable less tracking problems and better frame stitching and therefore better scan quality.

Thanks @Revopoint for once more listening to your users and integrating this great feature for your other scanners, too. I did hope so, but never would have expect it to happen so fast. Once again, this is the approach that sets you apart from other 3d scanner manufacturers. :clap:

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MIRACO firmware needs still to be updated , it will have own Global Marker mode anyway .
I am still in testing of it on my MIRACO PRO

Thank you Ivan for the tests

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