During my scanning sessions I normally fuse 4-7 scans to create my final point cloud. When I mesh the point cloud my smooth surface is “fuzzy” for a better lack of a term, looks like fine grit sand paper.
When I smooth the data I loose detail in the other areas of the scan. Does anyone have a work around for this? I wasnt sure if there was something I needed to change in my work flow.
I see the same thing when I overscan the Agrippa bust (included with the scanner).
Make two scans of the bust:
Only one 360° round, then Fuse, Mesh and Save it.
Multiple scans (pausing to reposition the bust so that all of it is scanned, but with overlap to aid tracking) before the Fuse, Mesh and Save.
When you view the cheek of each scan in a viewer, you will notice the ‘fuzziness’ in the object that had more scan passes of the same area.
When you are processing your scans, you can filter out data points that are too close to each other using the Overlap Detection function. The settings are non-numeric, so they can be a little exasperating if you are more scientifically-aligned, but start with the smallest distance (saving as an incremental version) and see how that works. You may have to re-do the operation with a larger distance, but this has the potential to lose detail, so be careful.
Thanks for the pointer! I was using the dual axis and hit it from 0, 15, -15, and 20 degrees. The file was huge. I’m learning less is more with the mini. Im assuming that, following your tip, I should setup and scan at different angles as a single scanning session vs chaining them all together.
Some people prefer to work that way; others prefer to make a smooth transition to a new perspective to continue scanning. The second way means you have to be more careful about positioning the object (say, by putting it on a narrow pedestal) for scanning so that you can get the coverage you need.
Im having alot more luck chaining the scans together. It looks like alot of my fuzzy surface issue is with isolated objects. I have changed settings in the function and I am seeing promising results, its still alot of trial and error.
Angle: 10 (I have to play with this alot)
Proportion of isolated object (15%-25%)
When I made these changes while isolating I was able to remove alot more outliers in the data and got a much smoother point cloud. Alot more holes, but alot cleaner.
Is there any information / reference material from Revopoint on the explanation of advanced settings? General use seems pretty straight forward, but for someone with some knowledge Im struggling a bit with the details of what the software is doing.