Some Metrox Feedback / Suggestions

I’ve been testing the new 3D scanner extensively, and I’d like to start by giving some well-deserved praise! The ability to capture fine details is truly impressive. For example, I scanned a necklace with a diameter of just 13 mm – the level of detail is simply astonishing.

Despite the positive experience, I have a few suggestions that could make the scanner even better:

  1. E57 Export in Auto-Turntable Mode
    A user in the Discord community managed to export frames as an E57 file and import them into Reality Capture. The resulting rendered mesh looked incredible. It would be fantastic to have this E57 export feature directly available in Auto-Turntable mode (with Colors) – ideally including the color maps.

MetroX Scan processed in RealityCaputre:

  1. LED Indicator in Single-Shot Mode
    I think it would be very helpful if the LEDs in Single-Shot mode turned red when a frame cannot be aligned and green when it aligns successfully. This would make it easier to walk around the object and take shots without having to constantly check the monitor.

  2. Merging Models
    Currently, a meshing process must be completed before models can be merged, which seems unnecessary. The point clouds should be able to merge directly. I believe this might be a small software bug.

  3. Overscanning Issue in Laser Scan Mode
    In Laser Scan mode, previously scanned areas often get overscanned if scanned repeatedly – especially with engravings or indentations. It would be helpful to implement a mechanism that prevents new points from being added if the area is already sufficiently scanned.

  4. Easier Start for Global Markers
    At the moment, I have to click on the three dots and manually select the scanner to start a scan with global markers. It would be much more intuitive if the menu opened with a double-click on the marker.

  5. Depth Camera Settings Not Saved
    One small annoyance is that the depth camera settings reset with every new scan. Even if I set it to automatic, the settings revert to default when I start a new scan. It would be great if the scanner could retain the last-used settings.

But I’m quite satisfied, and the software runs pretty fast, which surprises me a bit because I had heard otherwise. But since I have a current CPU and GPU, I guess that makes a difference. Still, I didn’t expect to be able to measure large things this quickly. That really surprised me – and of course, I’m happy about it.