As I have learned mainly from our famous, kind and experienced PUTV, you get the best details when the scan distance is about 10-11 cm.
Unfortunately, with the TT you can’t scan irregular, more flattish objects keeping the same distance. If the field of view of the mini covers a too small part of the item, also keeping track is more difficult.
So, my solution is to make one or two overview scan rounds. This is possible by pausing, repositioning the object and resuming one scan.
Then I place the scanner more close up to the smallest possible distance and catch the parts with the fine detail I want to have. The scanning distance really makes a difference, as I learned!
Which way is better and more detailed? The pause and resume method or making a seperate scan and merge afterwards?
With the latter method, the fine scan is more crispy on its surface and after merging you have two different surface treatments. Also merging can make problems even if you have more then 10% of overlapping surface.
With the former, up to now, the details seem not so sharp, because in my opinion the software mixes the 2 grades of detail.
Are there any tips and tricks?
I find a workaround on flat objects even when they had a lot of detail, I used some other objects all around and below it ( the object was a flat aztec calendar and the second one was a st. benedict medal ) it seems the software treat them as planes and don’t even bothered in scanning even when the preview was very promissing.
But when it started to find the objects around it, it grab the calendar in the way trough.
That was on version 5.2.4, now on version 5.3 if you set the “surface filtering ratio” to 100%, then the scanner will “see” the object no mather if you use it alone on the turntable.
Having that, the rest was to point to a 3/4 side and give it one full turn slowing down the TT a bit… then pausing, pointing to the other side and one full turn.
This makes the scanner to reach/see the places it could not when facing just one side. I also make the TT to rotate clockwise and then counter clockwise.
The other tip is to spray the piece with zinc oxide.
PUTV told me that the “scaning distance” (clipping planes) are very important also, in order not to add information that is way behind the object.
I also don’t give much importance to keep the distance inside the “excellent”. It makes difference since the points are found more and more away if you stay too far, but if you stay inside the overall middle, you will be fine IMO.