Face scanning for dental purposes

Hey folks

Previous owner of a revopoint, didnt work as intended for my needs.
Been following for a while the Miraco, it seems potent enough to scan the face and the teeth at the same time with enough quality.
However, i saw that you now have the Miraco Plus and MetroX also available. Just wondering which of them would suit me best, looking for the best facial and dental scanning possible, i need the highest quality mesh possible so i can then match it with other meshs with the highest degree of accuracy.

I would not recommend the MetroX for facial scans due to the use of a class 2 laser. The Miraco would be better suited for that task.

Thanks for the response. Any notable difference between the plus model?

The biggest difference between the Plus and the Pro Miraco is the photogrammetry ability. This uses special coded markers in addition to the refelctive markers as well as scale bars. This is used to create more accurate larger scans, such as cars, boats, larger objects. Not really applicable to what you want to do. The Pro version would be fine.

Of you want to scan Faces with teeth you can use Miraco Plus as it have additional zoom option for finer details than Miraco or Miraco Pro.

MetroX is not made for scan human faces or any living creatures , if you have detail casts then yes but not for human .
It also not dealing well with red color so your can’t scan well red tissue , since it uses blue light what is absorbed by red color of the object surfaces.

That’s not exactly , Miraco Plus have better details thanks to zoom option what is better than Pro …
And is very applicable for scanning humans and smaller details .
APK is just a bonus.

Thats, true, I forgot about the optical zoom. I’ve spent too much time with my MetroX lately and haven’t been using the Miraco as much.

Thanks for the insight folks. Miraco Plus it is

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Same here, MetroX for now all I need …

until scanning humans again then back to MIRACO Plus …

I will say, the marker tracking is better with the Miraco than the MetroX. Recently did an axle scan with my MetroX, and just for grins did a global marker scan with Miraco plus. It picked up the markers in about half the time it took the MetroX. Scan quality for comparing full field modes, I think I have to give it to the Miraco, even without any scanning spray on a dark object. But when it came to the crossed laser it was not competition.


MetroX full field:

MetroX Crossed Laser:

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I am concerned with the results of your Full Field and MetroX , it looks very bad from what I experiencing, I wonder why but it should be not like that.

Blue light capture much smoother and sharper surfaces than infrared scanners
So something is off. Maybe the surface that absorbing too much of the blue light or micro noises from reflections.

Hi Nick, can you send us the project file for this model? It looks bad and we would like to check it, thank you!

Hi Jane I have the files already .

Okay. Please send it to me. Thank you. :heart:

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