Hi everyone, I have a revopoint range 1 arriving soon, however my laptop is underpowered at only 8gb ram, which from what I have seen just scrapes into the bare minimum amount of RAM to run a range scanner.
Can I increase the VIRTUAL RAM on my laptop to try and increase the storage funcionability of RAM for useing the scanner?
I never do it , you can try , you need minimal 16GB for the software to process bigger scans , but it will depends of the scans itself and how big the project become.
Like you say, seems like its worth a try, I don’t need much detail for my scans, just enough to get the general curves of objects, but, like you say, the size of the objects that I need to scan could be a problem for only 8gb ram + virtual RAM (which I guess runs slower than normal RAM.
I saw a post here by one of the Revopoint team doing a single shot tutorial for the rangr 2, extremely clear and concise tutorial, and similar to the learning process that I have been doing on some photogrammetry apps.
If single shot exists on the Range 1??? (like it does on the Range2 that could really save a whole lot of RAM on projects.
But I know I’m really pushing my luck with getting everything working properly with only 8gb, I might have to look into upgrading my laptop to 16gb.
From what I have read the entry level revopoint scanners are less computer hardware heavy than other brands, which for me is an obvious plus.
Yes you can use single shot mode , it will decrease the frame amount dramatically and lower the size of the project , you should be just fine , Range is not that heavy on producing huge projects.
If you can scan with Range using your phone of 6 GB RAM , you can easier scan in a laptop with 8GB or tablet
I would avoid using VIRTUAL RAM for 3D scanning, simply because it is slow.
Virtual RAM is memory that is process as RAM, but is physically somewhere on the HDD or SSD. So I would not expect it to be useful.
You need to understand the hardware to understand your question is 100% in the wrong direction.
It’s pretty simple really, virtual ram takes a chunk of ‘hard disk’ space and creates extended RAM with it.
Real RAM is 10x to 100x faster than a ‘Hard Drive’. So the speed of doing this is hugely NOT in your favor and will likely cause issues if you were to do so. Also, your computer’s operating system already does this in the background and you can fine tune these cache settings quite easily.
So the answer is ‘no, do not use virtual RAM’.
Now, having said that, the other direction is just fine - performance wise. If you have an application that you find is hard drive intensive and you have plentiful RAM, you can create a virtual harddrive in RAM and it will speed up your disk tasks enormously. Just be aware that when the power goes out, anything in RAM is gone, so you need to either use this accordingly.
I managed to get the Range 1 working in my xiomi redmi note 9.
With 4gb ram +2gb (2gb extended vram?) it works perfectly, getting really good fps (much better than expected with such a basic smartphone) and so far not even nearly run out of ram on it. Using the scanner with the smartphone I am finding so much easier than with a computer, i find it really helps having the smartphone screen the same direction of where you are scanning, I found it difficult scanning using a laptop as looking away to see the laptop screen for me kinda takes the flow away from scanning, also it might be something to do with my not so great eyesight, obviously the laptop screen is further away.
Id say the scanner works better and smoother on my smartphone than my low spec computer, actually I’m amazed it works so well on low spec devices, so full credit to revopoint for that! Also the software I am finding extremely good and easy to use. You can just pick it up and learn while operating the scanner as its all completely intuitive.
Still learning how to use the scanner properly, but it seems it has good potential for what I need it for.
Just for reference for anyone reading this my laptop spec is i5 gen 3, 8gb ram and no graphics card.
As I have mentioned I’m impressed how well the range scanner works with these low specs.
Obviously a higher spec laptop would be desirable, but for what I need the scanner for I am doing just fine. I am using my smartphone for the scanning (smoother and better fps) and then sending it to the laptop via WiFi for merging scans etc.
You have dedicated GPU / graphic card other way you would not able to run the software that need at least OpenGL 4.2
Infrared scanners don’t need powerful graphic card to run and i5 gen3 is not that bad , just slower in processing but ok I’m scanning with structured light scanners.
I am scanning with Range using my win11 tablet with integrated GPU i7 8gen 16GB and Range series works great while scanning . I just prefer to process everything on my workstation after.