3d scanning spray

I’m trying to scan some mat black pistols and the POP doesn’t even see them.
I’ve read about 3d scanning sprays. Some that sublimate away.
Has anyone tried any of these with the POP?

Yes I have used on glass bottle The product is Aesub spray (AESUB - State of the Art Scanningspray: Homepage) cleaning is not necessary, but after 24 hours sublimate complete with not residue


If you’re considering a spray - what colour should work best?
The scanning spray you mention comes in blue, orange, green, white…

I suppose the question remains the same if you’re just spraying regular paint rather than special disappearing spray. I look forward to finding these things out myself when the scanner turns up…

I have used the white one

Some of those are not cheap :frowning: Does a can last a good long time? Do you have to use a lot on a model to get the scan correct? Back when I was working with 3d scanning (YEARS ago before low cost ones were available) we would dip our models in a solution to coat them then after scanning we would put it in another solution to remove the first solution. This spray sounds so much easier but may not be cost effective…??


it’s not cheap, but it’s safer for objects! It is not very suitable to immerse an object in a solution and then remove it by immersing it again

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A cheaper alternative is talcum powder. There are even stain remover sprays that have the same effect as the expensive 3D scanning sprays.
And I believe talcum deodorant spray is also a suitable alternative.

But they don’t evaporate as the scanning spay. You have to remove it after scanning with a feather duster. A little more effort, but much, much cheaper.

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I use flowerif it doesnt stick dry make a slurry and paint ot on, when dry should scan

Hey I recently purchased some, but have not had a chance to use it yet.
Another low cost alternative is so called “dry shampoo” that you should be able to find at any nearby big box store or drugstore. You end up needing to spray a lot per part, the coating is not going to be as thin or clean as a scanning spray, and It needs to be cleaned up – but it is very cheap and makes a HUGE difference on black colored objects.
I have an EinScan SP that I was almost considering returning at first because of this problem. The SLS scanners naturally struggle with reflective and glass surfaces, and I heard black surfaces were problematic, but they were nearly invisible to the SP, and screwed with not only the scans but also the auto alignment, etc. I was able to scan a scope mount immediately after spraying with shampoo.


I use the Aesub spray too, even if it’s expensive because I have not found a cheaper equivalent


Pretty cool looking stuff. But I had to laugh at this:


Here’s one for ya - https://www.amazon.com/Maxidon-CAD-CAM-SCAN-SPRAY/dp/B01LFKANFK/

Picture says FLAMMABLE in big red letters. First words in the description - Non-Flammable - LOL

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just found a cool page with useful informations on different 3d scanning sprays


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When I first started laser profile scanning about 30 years ago, the go to product for scanning was to apply a light coat of Dr. Scholl’s aerosol foot powder. Was pretty cheap and cleaned up easily from non-porous surfaces. Sadly, it’s not available any more.

As for the AESUB sprays, they are all white when you spray them. The different ‘colors’ are different products: sublimating, non-sublimating, slow sublimating. And yes, they are expensive.

The non-sublimating is the cheapest of the bunch, but still not cheap. But then you have to clean it off afterwards…

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I visited the web page, but did not see an explanation for how long the sublimating (self-evaporating) spray lasts. Do you know?


it depends of surrounding temperature. I sprayed it outaide and scanned in the house and it started evaporating on some spots about 30min after been sprayed on.

You sprayed your entire house?

I hope not for him, because it costs around 120 € the 5L in can format to paint with a spray gun.

But a house is very easy to scan, I used it to create a custom lock on an old gate.

On the other hand, the scanner will have trouble with surfaces that are too dark and windows.

An important remark for the exterior:
It is impossible to scan an object, car or other if there is too much light, because the scanner does not see its own UV projections

I believe in the case of these sprays the “color” is just meant to represent the type or class/speed of sublimation. They should be white to provide the highest possible reflectivity for the the structured light scanner. E.g. here is a demo of Aesub Blue (it is white on the surface) AESUB Blue Vanishing 3D Scanning Spray - YouTube

You can also use “dry shampoo” spray if you are on a budget (can be sourced locally for a relatively low price usually). But you may only be able to cover 1-2 objects per can because you have to spray a lot, and also it seems to clump up. I managed to scan a rifle scope/mount with my Einscan SP after spraying it with the shampoo, even though it was completely invisible to the scanner before.

I did pick up a few cans of Aesub Blue and White (standard sublimating and non-sublimating spray) after seeing how much of a difference the shampoo made, but I haven’t had the chance to try them out yet.

Edit: Sorry for the repeated info. I did not realize this was the same spray thread from a month ago