Scanning Vinyl Record LPs

I got the mini with the turntable because my main purpose was to scan vinyl records at a high resolution and be able to see into the grooves themselves at scratches. So i got to the point where it wants be to cover it with dots, but that defeats the purpose for me. Has anyone tried this before with better results?

Try putting the markers on the parts without grooves, and around the vinly (add a wooden/cardboard circle larger than the vinyl with markers on it). But that might still be too far away without markers on the central part for the mini. But not sure.
Will the mini really be able to capture the grooves? Have you tried on just a small area?

I will have to experiment some more but I don’t want to do much prep when i may be doing hundreds of scans. And you may be right about picking up the grooves cause they’re so small. I can’t find where to set the resolution in Revo scan 5 but it says its set for high accuracy.

I’m guessing its not gonna do what i need…

Interresting case, the groves usually have 40 microns width, so if you can make them visual please post a picture. Old vinyl disk (Schellack) have something like 100 microns.
But I am sure you need scanning spray as it is black and shiny material.
It would be a good showcase for metrox.