Scanning glass?

I’m very new to this (I’ve been using a Leica 3D Disco and Polycam on iPhone) I want to scan architectural features mainly and tried a glazed door: as soon as the view included any of the glass the scan went completely wrong - the alignment was totally lost with elements fo scan in lots of different (and wrong) directions. Does this mean I have too use market mode for any glass?

What type of Revopoint’s scanner are you using ?

3D structured light scanners do not scan transparent materials , it is visual scanner and glass can’t reflect back patterns back to sensors since the light passing through.

Use 3D spray , or anything that would cover the area of the glass .

Thanks for getting back so quickly. I’ve just received the new Miraco.
I saw the scans of the very shiny car - lots of reflections so assumed a piece of glass would not cause an issue.
What is the spray?
I suspect customers are not going to like me spraying stuff over their windows
Will the location dots not be able to override the reflection issues or can I light it differently?

You can’t use a markers on a glass , it is invisible to the sensor as it is transparent to the eyes , nothing to do with shine it is just invisible .
Physics here my friend , light passes through a window , can’t be scanned and neither a water or any materials that have IOR .

Use a 3D spray that vanish after 2 hours without cleaning you can buy Attblime ABX super white at

Remember that flat surfaces can’t be scanned as they have no features , so on top of the 3D spray you still need to use markers and a market mode .

And really start little education about 3D scanning with 3D structured light 3D scanner , just type it in on Google and read a little bit about the principle and rules of scanning .

You need a basic knowledge to make your work better … MIRACO is not a camera taking picture …it is 3D structured light scanner so if you are new to 3D scanning you need to learn basic rules and how to use it proper .

Check here :Tutorials - Revopoint 3D

@Chazz here’s a quick primer on how your scanner works:


The scanner projects rapidly changing patterns onto the object you’re scanning. It’s projected using infrared light, so it’s invisible to the naked eye.

The depth cameras however can see the patterns. The patterns of course change shape based on distance and the shape of the surface they’re projected onto. The depth cameras capture that shape and compare against the base pattern to calculate shape and distance.

The tricky thing with glass: it’s transparent! Light just passes through, so to the scanner it might as well not exist.

Black surfaces absorb a lot infrared light, so they pose issues as well. Highly reflective / shiny surfaces reflect the light away, also a challenge.

3D Scanning Sprays

Dedicated 3d scanning sprays get around all of this by creating an opaque surface for the light to shine off of. Think of it as a thin layer of dust that’s just textured enough to perfectly show the pattern, but thin enough to not have an impact on the dimensions.

There are multiple options for sprays. Many are what’s call “Sublimating Sprays.” These sprays will evaporate away after a short time, as though they weren’t there at all. They even have matte finish sprays so you can still capture color information.

What about the dots?

Those reflectove dots you mentioned are for positional tracking. The scanners track based either on features or markers. The markers help when you have large areas without details for the scanner to track.

Imagine you’re holding a blank piece of paper. You can look at the 4 corners to figure out which direction it’s facing. Same way for the scanner. But if it can’t see enough reference points, it gets lost. The reflective dots allow you to add temporary points to hard to scan large surfaces.

Like many other hobbies or processes, there is a learning curve and consumables. I’m still learning myself, but as you go on things will click pretty quickly and you’ll get a hang of it.

Note : Black has nothing to do with absorption of infrared , black cotton don’t absorb infrared , it absorbs visible light .

Materials are responsible for absorption , that include glass , water, silicone, wax, oily hair, resin , rubber, most material with higher index of refraction . why black plastic ? becouse it is made using oil , and most black materials use oil .

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Ah like I said, always learning! Thanks!

Cool demonstration how water absorbing light: