Scanning arrowheads

Hi there! I need to scan a lot of arrow heads but wonder if these scanners will do a good job. Any thoughts? The points are quite small and i wonder if the results will be too crude. I can’t afford the high end scanners archeologists use. Thanks for any help or thoughts in advance!

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Hi Mark
What are the dimension of these arrowheads? Can you share a photo? For antique arrowhead I´ve seen online I would highly advise you the new MetroX (now on kickstarter for high discounted prices). I don´t any known scanner that could scan small items with accuracy and precision at such low price. Especially worth noticing MetroX wouldn´t need any scan spray or other matting spray to scan it.

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Thank you very much for pointing to that - I’ll check it out! Greatly appreciated-


Arrowheads made out of flint? Or bronze or iron?

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They are all stone arrow heads and spear points. They are all flaked, so the surfaces have a lot of texture from flaking off chips, and the edges are quite thin and sharp. They are also small - the smallest in the 1” long range, and that’s where my worry comes in in trying to figure out which scanner under $2000 might do a good job with them. It seems like these lower priced scanners don’t do tiny objects very well. I’ll see a scan done by a scanner of a bolt, say, and the threads on it will be very crude, so I worry about the fine details on the stone points. I’ve seen excellent scans by $20,000 scanners, but I can’t quite go that route. I’ve talked to some salesmen but most just say - “It should work”. Thanks for any thoughts you can share, as I greatly appreciate you taking the time to help me.


More showcases of MetroX capabilities coming very soon. Maybe then you will get the answer if it suits you. Mini 2 would be a great option for that, too, as it can capture great detail but at least my Mini1 for such results often needs additional coating and dark environment (IR light blocked as much as possible), which MetroX won’t need anymore.

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Thanks for that - it looks like exactly the right tool except I need to get this done before December…. Maybe I can get them to put it off until then. Thanks -

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This is a fast 20 sec scan of a small stone ( about the size of some arrowheads) with delicate details which were captured at amazing detail with my mini1 even I held it in the hand and only did it quickly for demonstration purpose, so probably even better results achievable. Notice the thin edges and other details. Also notice my fingerprints captured. I also didn´t have to use any matting spray, even though the stone is partialy shiny and reflective.
MetroX might even give a bit sharper edges :open_mouth:
The waiting surely would be worth it !


Hi @Mark4

That is the finest details that MetroX can capture at this moment and little finer will be at the end when software is finally adjusted.

Normally $20+ scanner with the accuracy of 0.01 mm can do the things like capturing finger prints row that are around 0.05 mm deep, so I think not bad at all .

The shipping starts in December and not before that .


This year december can´t come too soon. :laughing: :santa:


That´s scan in full field mode. Fingerprints at least a bit noticable in the mesh. Very nice!
I meshed mine in cloudcompare at octree depth 11, it gave me 20mio polys :sweat_smile:
What about laser line modes? Same or more details than mini 1/2 achievable?


Are you going to spend 10 min holding a laser to capture that fine details in place to do that in 2 sec with single shot in Full Field ?
That’s the reason it’s there for .

Laser modes are made for scanning objects that are featureless and needs markers , the whole point of laser scanning , you can’t turn objects or move them while scanning with laser so really waste of time .
If the objects can’t be merged it is not recommend.


It is not yet the final resolution , I just fused at 0.1 mm


Thank you very much for scanning the stone - that really looks good - perhaps all I’d need is the mini. I really appreciate you taking the time to do that, as it removed a lot of doubt in my mind. Scanned car parts just left me wondering but your scan gave me what I need. Thanks!