Scan Quality, Bumpy, Lumpy, Noisy, Crape Meshes

Hello all, New to the Miraco, I have used 3D scanners in the past, I’M old to 3D modeling and 3D workflow. I have been reading, and learning a lot from the Forum, Youtube, and Tutorials. Thanks to all that have come before me and now have shared their experiences to help others! I don’t doubt the answer to my issues are out there somewhere, but one can only do so much reading and watching before wanting to ask for help.

I am having continued issues with Mesh quality, they all seem to come out similar being very lumpy, bumpy, crepe, noisy. I have placed a few images for example, but when I mean all, I mean all of my projects/scans as of so far, so I’m not doing something right. Either from the start from my scans or with my understanding of RevoScan5 and mesh creation.

This is my Troubleshooting so far.

  • Pull new Miraco out of box and excited to try it, turned it on a ran a scan, cool, but messy scan, no prob because I didn’t know what I was doing.
  • Took some time to read and learn now that my initial wow and excitement was done.
  • Took the 1st toy I found that I thought the kiddo would like a 3D print of.
  • Ran a Scan on X-Wing, the toy was mainly white with coloring for detail and some dark spots and a clear spot. I understood the dark areas and clear spot would not scan easy or at all, but thought I’d test the results. Not great results but trial and error with error being results.
  • More reading and troubleshooting.
  • Next I used Revo Scan Spray on the X-Wing, used a turntable at slowest speed, used a tripod for Miraco. Used in Near mode, High Accuracy, Feature, General Type, Color on. Took 4 different scans under the same project to cover all areas of X-Wing. Tried to do only one rotation of turntable so there is minimal overlap per scan. Used 3 point lighting, LED photo fill lights to make sure the model is fully lit. While scanning the distance was always excellent to good, use of Auto Exposure on Miraco. At this point I’m feeling golden.
  • Plug Miraco into my maxed out IMac that I use for production work and transferred new project files.
  • Did not used One Click. Used Fusion at .2 Distance, used Isolate and used Overlay for point cleanup, ran the Mesh at Grid size .2 to match Fusion Distance.
  • Each scan has about 300k-400k points.
  • Things are looking nice, details on mesh are nice, but now it’s time to Merge.
  • Merged all 4 scans at once, also tried merging 2 by 2 at a time, all with same results being lumpy bumpy, noisy, crepe Mesh. I know there is post clean up options in other software, but with this level of clean up it would be as much work as modeling from scratch.

Now zoomed out this file could look ok if used as a 3D asset in a video/animation, but I would like to print most of my scans and this is not printable.

So, thank you for reading up to this point.

Does anyone have any insight or solutions to the mesh quality to reduce or get rid of the lumpy, bumpy, noisy, crepebness that’s going on here.

I also did some full body scans and results are similar and also have some additions artifacting going on, but I’m hoping by learning from this I can tie it all together.



big is that x-wing-fighter?

It looks as you did everything right and still not the result I get and expect from my miraco with these settings

But you still might try this:

First recalibrate the miraco, something might be off.

Instead of merging 4 meshes, merge 4 point clouds first, then clean them up, if needed once more and then do the meshing.

Another thing to try: import those 4 point clouds to cloudcompare and merge them there. You can either mesh the merged pointcloud there, too or import the mergedd pointcloud back to revo scan and mesh it there.

Last thing on my mind you could try: scan with markers in marker mode.

try going lower on fusing, too.

Please let us know if and what got you better results.


The X-Wing is about 4 inches long (10cm)-ish.

Tested Calibration, Near stated not needed, so I did not run, Far stated not needed, so I did not run Calibrations due to test results.

Fusion results, my above results listed in original post where ran at Fusion 0.2/Grid 0.2 with 300-400k points.

I tried Lower Detail at Fusion 1.0/Grid1.0 with 10k points, noise ands bumps not really visible, but the model looked like a hotdog with wings.

Then ran a Midlevel-ish Detail Fusion at 0.5/Grid 0.5 with 56k points, after merger completed the lumps, bumps, crepe and noise mesh was back, just softer than before.

I notice even if you create a mesh and then merge it places the newly created merge file as a point cloud and has to be created into a mesh again, but I did all mergers on these troubleshooting attempts prior to making a mesh, results seem the same.

It’s hard to tell if its the point data from the scan or if its the mesh not lining up perfect creating that rough skin, or prob being a mix of both, darn frustrating though as I’m trying to determine the quality of this scanner. I see other results on the forum and online and scans and meshes are clean and beautiful, but not everyone includes how much post work they made to make those results.

I have not tried Cloudcompare yet as I’ll have to download and install and tinker with it.

So no resolve for better results as of yet, but I do appreciate your input, thanks.

Fusion 0.5/Grid 0.5 56k Points

Fusion 1.0/Grid 1.0 10k Points

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Have you done any progress?

Also make sure you only apply a light coating with the spray. I applied too much at the beginning and it resulted in more noise.Only a slight coating should be plenty, also avoiding indirect sunlight (through window) as much as possible is beneficial for such little pieces.

Auto exposure sometimes isn’t precise enough: try setting it manually, just a very little bit of red markings on the object is where I get best results. The lower settings you can use after applying spray the better and less noisy result you get.

as the object is small and shallow I definitely would scan it on a turntable/suface with markers in marker mode and in single shot mode!

If getting problems with the seam area after merging, clean/remove just the edges of each point cloud you want to merge. Revopoint is working on better algorithm for merging (and doing this clean up automatically?).


can you post up what your different scans look like before merging them together. I have a feeling your issue is coming from the merging process. When you have lots of overlap between files you are merging, it can create issues. If you are going to merge you want to cut away any large overlapping areas and just try to get a little bit of the merged area in each.

One touch does a pretty good job of cleaning up scans, so give that a go as well and show us what the results are there.

Hi There!

I recently had a similar problem and found the Solution or the Reason for the bumps.
Because of your stitching together, or some missaligned Shots of the scanner you might have some points over other points forming two outer shells but one a tad deeper than the original outer shell. This produces the bumps and holes when meshing allthough the Pointcloud looked fine.

Here is my recent example
Pointcloud (looks fine)

But the Mesh looks awful and has holes and rough finish.

After some frustration i found this in the data:

BadBoy Nr1 was not a big deal and easy removed but BadBoy Nr2 was a tough one. I had to do it in CloudCompare because i can’t catch it in Revopoint Software.

After removing the unwanted parts and aligning the Scans (also in CloudCompare, Sorry Revopoint but CC works better for this but you are catching up)
It turned out nice as it should:

Normally for fusing two (or more) scans i leave as much data in the scans as possible. After the alignment, i remove as much overlapping data as possible to get rid of the issues of overlapping points. I just trim the edges and all parts that are messy. If i trimmed to much i can always go back or do one more scan where i try to reach this area better.

I hope this helps.


If you look here in ClouCompare

When I cut this section out

And turn it and zoom in you can clearly see the second skin under the outer shell.

This is also how i cleaned it.
Sliced the Pointcloud and removed the unwanted points and then merged the remaining points together again.

If you need further Information on this workflow feel free to reach out.

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I bought mini 2 last month and I have these problems too. I opened a title here explaining the situation and said that I think revoscan is not working properly and there are problems in the joints, but many people said that I was using it incorrectly.


Especially when you want to clean this area, Revoscan also wipes the front sections. However, I did not scan the back side. Why does this occur? It’s already a mistake to have it happen…

If the Scan looks like this, it is easy to clean. You have an option called “Auswahl durch” what translates to “selection through” on the right toolbar.
Screenshot 2024-07-29 163949

If this option is active you select all points whatever direction they are facing. If this option is inactive you select only points facing you (so the blue ones).
That is why i mentioned that the other BadBoy was harder to do because they were facing the same direction with minimum distance between each other.

These points can occur due to Overexposure and missaligned frames. So first try would be to identify if you can get rid of it by deleting noisy frames.