Scan a thin motorcycle cover part SUCCESS!


Today, I want to scan this motorcycle cover part.

Full Video:

As you can see in the picture it has a very shiny grey metallic surface without features at the top and somewhat matte and a few features at the bottom.

I did a video for you on how i did the scanning and processing (3 times at least) to get a really good result

Here you see the top of the first outcome with MarkerMode and FarMode:

Here is the underside, measured in CloudCompare:

It should be 1mm thick, so this is not good enough.

The final attempt was made with FeatureMode in NearMode. Crumpled Paper around the part and the statues. It gave a great pointcloud, really good detail.

That’s way closer to 1mm than before:


Great job ! Not easy object to scan, thank you for sharing !

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Thanks for your feedback!

The video is not the greatest, but I really wanted to share my struggeling. And to give a feeling for the effort one has to put in to get good results, and not to give up too early.
I think your Products are really great, but in the ads it always looks like point and shoot and your good to go.
As always, good tools are only as good as their usecase.
Someone intelligent told me once:
A fool with a tool is still a fool! No matter how good the tool is.

So if someone decides to buy one of your scanners, one should be aware of the amount of fidelling to get to the result he is looking for.

Once I completed my task of remanufacturing these parts, I will do Tutorials on how to do it fast, with the complete workflow of reverse engineering and fabrication. All focusing on free tools so everyone is able to redo it.

In the meantime, if anyone could share his workaround for Markermode on black and shiny objects, I would be happy to learn a working solution.

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Black and shiny objects are not objects what should be scanned without preparation of the surface , 3D structured light scanners have own rules that users need to obey . It don’t take simple pictures of an object but the surface distortions the projector projecting on it , black and shiny surfaces are not good to project movies on it neither lasers patterns .
The surfaces are simple invisible to the sensors due to simply physics .

After preparation of the surfaces , it is the best to use markers on the ground where the object is in place of placing the markers on the object itself for better tracking , you can create your own simple magic Matt marker by sticking markers to a black silicone Matt or even black plastic ( that is not visible to the sensors ) so only markers are visible , you can of course use transparent plastic bag as well .

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That is true … but I saw people that never touched 3D scanners before and archived amazing results by learning how this technology work and practice . You can’t drive a car without fist learning how to drive, still all advertising showing the car in motion … so easy …
As any other tool, it require knowledge , it don’t scan nothing by itself, you scan using it , as no cameras takes beautiful pictures … the user do that :wink:

And hey Sebastien , I am just the moderator of the community with couple of decades in 3D pipeline , you can always share your feedback in our Feedback forum section to Revopoint directly . Keep your amazing showcase thread for your own showcases .

Great scanning video! It’s very detailed yet clear. :+1:

Thank you so much for sharing it with us. I am sure this can help many users! :grinning:

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I think your video is great, also that it shows all the errors and workarounds for RevoScan with CloudCompare. This is certainly a very big help for many newcomers, big praise from me :+1: