Sam - Pop 3 Unboxing and Showcase

Let there be Light!!!

POP 3 has entered the chat!

Global site: Revopoint POP 3: Portable 3D Scanner for Vibrant Color Scans
US site: Revopoint POP 3: Portable 3D Scanner for Vibrant Color Scans

Very well packaged and elegant box, reminds me of early iPhone releases.

Touch Gain and start/stop buttons!! Nioce

Now the the first scan, handheld with an iPad…

Within 15mins of unboxing. Blown away

Scanned using an
IPAD IOS 5.0.5

Even on mobile meshing it looks great. Wish it would let me post a video.

Anyways meshed on PC Version 5.0.7

Disney Ariel Figurine - Hand Painted

Now to RS 5.0.7

Literally scanned on the kitchen stove 15mins out of the box… WITH A IPAD… NUTS

SkreetKar3Demphasized text


Great job Sam , funny I just watched last night Little Mermaid :tropical_fish:


Alien POP Figurine from AVP

Dark Scanning Test

Scanned using an
IPAD IOS 5.0.6

Cleanup and Meshed on PC Version

Actual photos below…

Amazing results with zero tricks required to capture all the dark paint.



Hi @Samlilly2 ,

Thank you for sharing these impressive results. Once the POP 3 is released tomorrow at 9pm (June 10), please post them along with some unboxing images. Thank you! :wink:

Best Regards

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thats a great scan!

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