RS5 not installing on win 10

I had revo scan 4 installed and working on my pc but when i tried to install revo scan 5 it gets hung up in the setup.

Windows 10 pro, 10.0.19045
X64 based pc

There is no error message. Setup stalls after i select the language. Trying to check compatibility only lets me select Windows 7 - XP.

Hello @OpaiDragon

Please provide a video of the installation process failing and send it to our customer service team at They will assist you in resolving the issue.

Sorry for the inconvenience caused to you.

Hi, is this your first time to install Revo Scan
5 on your PC?You were always using Revo Scan 4 before?

Yes i had gotten revo scan 4 to setup when revo scan 5 did not work to test out the scanning with my new revo point range.

@OpaiDragon Does your computer have an expansion screen or another monitor?Is it possible that the installation page is on another screen or the monitor, not on the screen you was working on?

My pc dose have 2 monitors but there was nothing on the other one either

Hi, Can you record a video to show us the problem you encountered when installing the software? You can send the video to

Have you tried to skip the language selection and install the software directly?

And can you check if it will work and install when there is only one monitor open and another closed?