Revoscan Flayer (Frame Player)

Thanks for the feedback Master.

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Testing Flayer code with RANGE scan

Each scanner has it’s own settings so the textures are off and the z depth had to be adjusted, this is probably information that is sitting in the .pose and .inf files…

Actually, the camera distort and texture map offset is most likely inside the params folder that sits inside each project, those have no human readable values and most likely encripted or compressed since it holds giberish


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Feature ideation

Today while scanning a friend of mine that has a hard time not blinking. i had an idea…

What if i implement a feature on Flayer to automagically detect human eyes blinking and flag those frames for inspection/deletion

An lo and behold OpenCV can do it so… who wants this feature?

And this can be done for a lot of other face landmarks like the mouth for example


yes please!!!:grin:

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Flayer used to cleanup blinking eyes

The app can now write to a text list to x.files and use that for persistence, meaning if you open the folder again it will remember the frames you marked

There are 2 mini scripts that can append .x to the list files or clear .x appends

Result of the above video/scripts


Adding DPH support to the player

Working on adding player support for reading/switching between img and the dph files. Here is a fist test with revopoint mini/pop heads

Here is a video of the capture depth map, 16bit displayed as fringe patterns

This is the captured data on Revoscan

Capture Setup

How it works

  • Python must be installed on the system and have the following dependencies
pip install numpy opencv-python
  • Python file must be in the same folder as the scan cache you want to view/save

  • If python, dependencies installed and file in the cache folder double clicking it will be enough to run it and a realtime video of the capture will start streaming/recording in loop

  • If however the folder has no dph files the following error will show on console when running the python script

  • ESC key exits the player and stops streaming/ recording to video

  • dph_output.mp4 video is available for visualization once you hit esc key

File can be downloaded here

@PUTV not integrated into the Frame player but at least you can make cool videos from your dph only captures :wink:



Updated the visualization / recording colormap

Download link is still the same as the last post


Now this one is very good ! It shows exactly what the sensors produces while scanning …

Thanks V !


keep up the PHENOMENAL work! simply amazing! I admire you!:clap::clap::clap: and thanks for keep sharing​:beers:


Would be even greater to see more people (than miself) using these tools. Not sure what i am missing…

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Maybe because not everyone need it , I prefer to rescan quickly than messing with the data for hours and clean up stuff .

It is good to have the tools if you can’t rescan something and the only option is to edit data , it is cool and great work on that V .

Maybe it would be better if you can create a written tutorial showing it in action so new users can see actually why they may need it …

Btw I am on Holidays , will download once I am back …


Yeah probably it needs use cases.

The tool is not just to help frame editing it is more usefull for anyone wanting to share their scan process.

Guess i need to make a video showing what it can be used for and how to use it.

Maybe not having it as a single file executable can be putting people off of it too.


I agree on both: tutorial video would help visualize use cases and exe wouldn’t be bad, either🙂


I also ask you to make a text or video describing the features and how to work. the last photos are interesting, but I don’t understand what the “zebra” is for and how it will help in processing the scans.

Short tutorial on RGB navigation and Depth to video helper

@Nick_Ukrainian, the zebra effect was just my first attempt at decoding the depth map is some way significant since the depth map is a greyscale raw image at 16bit and our screens only support 8bits. The new shader converts the 16bit into 2 8bit color channels giving a better perception of what the scanner is capturing on these raw data frames


Your work is impressive, what do you miss ? These are perhaps people competent enough to use your tool (I am far from this level of competence).
Revoscan products are currently of interest to people who are discovering scanners that are financially within their reach.
But you are making progress through your publications. I’m a fan of technology but
I bought my pop 2 on Kickstarter to scan antiques, and here I am, imagining all sorts of uses that I hadn’t anticipated, thanks to you and other beta testers.


I see possibilities of using AI to detect bad frames for semi automated cleanup, it would be super super useful.


Hello @johnchen

Yes, definitely a useful suggestion. Will talk to the dev team to see how to implement it.

Has anyone tried feeding these frames into another program like MeshRoom?

yes it works but you get a lower quality mesh as expected. it is sometimes usefull for custom texturing using something like xNormal