Overlap or Underlap

My larger scan merges always seem to have overlap issues (understandable, as I scan things way too large for any reasonable use case of a Revopoint scanner).

The overlap tool is great, but it works more like an underlap tool, as in it removes the points that are beneath. Most of the time the issues I see look like they would be better resolved by removing the points above rather than below.

Can we have an underlap/overlap toggle perhaps?

Even better would be to have the tool work on a pre-selected group of points so you could remove overlap in one spot, and underlap in another.

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This is usually do to scan data error in each particular scan and then trying to merge them. There are a few things you can try.

-smaller scans, do multiple smaller scans breaking the object into smaller parts. This will introduce more “overlap” sections when yo merge them together, but less overall error/drift in the scan

-Do a bit more trimming and clean up of point clouds before merging scans together. Auto is going off of features, so leave feature rich areas alone to aid in alignment. The pro option is to use manual alignment based on point selection.

Post up some pics of what you are scanning so we can get a better idea.