Pop 2 - Surface Inspection - Feature vs Face Mode

A comparison of the bust that comes with the Pop 2.
Feature Mode vs Face Mode.
Comparison made in GOM Inspect.
About +/- 0.2mm
Feature Mode: Blue
Face Mode: Grey
Deviation: MultiColor

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It is obvious, how far the model from the scanner how less volume accuracy it will have .

I guess I was surprised more detail was not lost.

If it was at the same distance then less, however the bigger capture windows as Face, Body or Head capture lower accuracy . Especially the Body mode.

could you explain the scale in the right side? What does these figures mean? Could you upload with a larger resolution?


I will try my best. I made two scans, one in Feature mode and one in Face mode. Inside GOM Inspect, I compared the deviation of the Face scan from the Feature scan.

Assuming the “feature” scan is perfect (you could use the original CAD if you had it). The surface deviation is in millimeters and I measured max +0.2 mm (red) above the surface and -0.23 mm (blue) going into the surface.

I use GOM Inspect mostly for reverse engineering meshes into CAD models. In GOM I can orient the mesh by fitting geometry (planes, cylinders, etc.) to the mesh and then transposing the mesh to a sensible coordinate system. From the mesh and best fit geometry, I make a parametric model in Fusion360 and then finally check the new model against the scanned data to see if my reconstructed model is acceptable. GOM Inspect is free to use. CloudCompare is a similar open-source software but I have never used it so I don’t know how the features compare.

Hope that helps