Trying to scan this flashlight as it has shiny spots, matte spots and places where the finish has been worn off. I can get the knurled area, but the smooth black portions not so much. I moved the sliders all over trying to get that small band at the top to scan and could not get it to pickup.
Not enough data. Needs to be solid green in the program. Maybe try turning down the laser brightness (top left) and see if that helps. Shiny is difficult to get good data from. I would recommend learning on items you would normally not need to spray to get a good scan. Even though MetroX can resolve reflective and black, it is more difficult and requires more skill from the user.
Too much frames , a little over do with all the markers too.
For 55K of frames it is very poor capture
Because it wasted it to capture everything but the actual object .
If the object is painted with black oil based paint , it is going to be little difficult to capture even on high settings since it absorbing the laser light too much.
You got also lots of micro reflections noises.
Little waste of time here.
Make small tests with the settings on small fragments first before you run with that amount of frames.
My finding is, if no spray applied and for very absorbing surface for me it works the best in parallel mode and scanning perpendicular to that part of the object at maxed out brigthness and sensitivity. If surface still isn’t picked up or the result is too noisy I prefere using a bit of scanning spray.
I also notice less markers (like on those pillares, I use the same) sometimes is better and I still have to remove some markers from some marker jigs as they are too crowded . As PUTV said, above 4cm to about 6-7cm between the markers seems to work the best.
Your issue is not with the scanner but the surface you trying to capture that absorb the blue light.
I explained to you already couple of time
Don’t torture yourself just use slightly spray.