Surface finish on cross line laser

anyone know why my surface finish is scanning with so much noise texture?

I’m a noob too, but I think that is due to the holes if you zoom in you can see them. The surface seems to rely on having really good scan data.

Here is the object. Nice and smooth. Im wondeing if i could be set up in too brightly lit area? Object is matte grey as pictured

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Possible. Try increasing and decreasing the exposure. Perhaps with the main lighting in the room turned down.

That shows a PCB scan that came out pretty flat. There is some “orange peel” texture on that too, but you can still see some of the traces.

This one did a little better with the surface, but perhaps less so on the traces.

It looks like you haven’t fused or meshed the model yet, or used isolation and overlap detection. Do those first and see what it looks like.

I fused at .15 and mesh at 8.0. I had about 2843444 points. Maybe tnats not enough? Object is about 12" x 12"

How many frames? You need over 9000 to get a good surface finish. The more the better.
Also, a white object like that you want half laser power and exposure 1.

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I haven’t really seen anything explaining how the laser power plays into the exposure settings. I would assume if I am trying to scan further into an object I would want brighter laser? Could I think of laser brightness as the flash on a camera?

It looks like the tracking is a bit messy. In believe 4 markers must be seen by the scanner at all times. On the corner there are 3 and the fourth is not visible from every angle. So I think the answer is more markers.

Also it helps to clean up the scan before meshing it.