Handle to be used with REVOPOINT POP & POP2 3D scanner (Work in Progress)

In this case I´m trying to design a handle to use with REVOPOINT POP & POP 2 3D scanner with a mobile phone and the original powerbank included in the Premium Kit turning it to an autonomous set to scan more comfortably.

Ergonomic details and scanner inclinations have been extracted from my own hand and some projects from some repositories on internet.

If somebody need it and wanna follow the progress of the project for downloading when it will finished can follow that link of thingiverse: Handle to be used with REVOPOINT POP & POP2 3D scanner by JJCHACON - Thingiverse

If somebody wanna suggest ideas or modifications may tell me replying this message.

This Thing is a Work-In-Progress… I will add new stages when I had them.